Chapter 6

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6.Cant stop

So me and Jc decided to hit it off and by that I mean hang out , today ! And I am nervous ! He got a break from the Kian and Jc thing and decides to give me a call . I was so happy but now im frustrated . I want to wear the perfect clothes . But I can't pick ! Of course not to perfect to where I look elegant with a dress and makeup on . And not where if I where tights that you will be able to see my ass and I will look like a Kardashian. So I decide to hit up Anthony . He picks up his phone and does the weirdest intro."It's Ya Boy Anthonyyy !!! Your speaking with Anthony Spears , how may I help you ?" I laugh at the thought of him saying that ."Hey A !" After a long talk on deciding , I finally picked out the right clothes . The 8/17/13 clothes . Yes , that is correct - 8/17/13 . I smiled realizing that Jc wore those clothes too.
Me and Jc decided to head to the arcade . The weird thing is that we didnt talk that much , well actually - AT ALL !! It was pretty stupid and weird . And he also had a beard , it was pretty cute . His voice still brought butterflies to my stomach . Could I like him ? Again ? Is that wrong ? Don't think so ! And for once we start to talk . " You should check out the new, Kian and Jc vid ." Great , promo !! " Sure !" I tell him . We got Ice creams and I am un-shamelessly licking mine . The sweet and cold vanilla flavor . So sweet ! And then by accident Jc spills his ice cream on me . I gasp and chuckle . He just laughs and it's so cute . I decide to the same but to his face . He gasp and just smiles . "Jenn !" He says and chuckles . I grab some ice cream from his nose and lick my finger . "Yummy!" I say . "Oh, I'm so gonna get you !!" He says."By doing what?" I say all sassy and chuckle . He grabs my waist and pulls me to his chest . I freeze . Ohmyguacamole what is this boy doing to me ? For some reason he starts to lean in and I'm startled. Uhh ok No , wait what ?! Is he trying to.. He can't , right ? Is there a rule to explain why he's doing this ? Maybe this is his plan ? Maybe not . I can't think straight right now . I'm so scared to what Jc is about to do . Is he gonna...kiss me ? He leans in more and I decide to close my eyes . Maybe he does want a kiss . Once I open them back , a big blog of vanilla ice cream hits my face . I gasp and how cold the ice cream is and how cruel he could be . Oh that's it ! "Jc!!" I scream at him ."What ?! You asked me to show you what my revenge was ." He tells me laughing . I whipe some cream of my face and shake my hands to get it off my fingers .His revenge was so sweet.
Playlist just ended . I enjoyed meeting so many fans , they were so nice and cute . Andrea was there - but so was Kian and Jc. I was so nervous . Lia was there and I heard rumors that she got back together with Mr.Caylen. Maybe he does think we're still friends .
Currently I just landed in L.A because the person on the intercoms just said so . I wake Andrea up and hop off the plane . I wanted Kian to pick me up but Andrea decided on Hunter . We hopped into his car and he drove us home . Once there , Andrea ran to her room and took the longest nap..-ever . Going into my room , and unpacking all my clothes my phone gets a text notification . From....Jc, how random? What did it say? "Hi"? Just .. Hi? Ok then , hmmp.. I cross my arms across my chest with a mad face expression plastered on my face . Should I answer? Should I not? I respond back with a simple "Hello"...To modern? Putting my hair into a low ponytail . Taking out the last pile of clothing from my suitcase , I hear the sound of a text message..again . Throwing the pile of clothes on my bed , I run to get my phone . " Wanna Hang?" He ask me . I can't believe he actually wants to hang out with me again . Is he into me? Nah.. He can't be?! We're in the friend zone...with a bit of benefits. " Busy right now , but later sure :~)" I can't believe I just said that and I can't believe I just sent him the jennxpenn smile that I always tweet . That is so embarrassing . So embarrassing . Once I finished unpacking and putting all the clothes in my closet , I had to get ready . I was already ready because I took a shower before the flight back to L.A but I had to do some extra stuff . I put on some perfume ,& deodorant . Putting a bit more mascara on , I texted Jc . " Hey , Where do we meet up ?" Sent , let's see what he says . Before I know it , I get a reply . " I'll pick you up from your place ." Woah. Trying to be a gentle man , how sweet :~) .
-4days later-
"Time to post them on twitter!" Says Lauren into the camera ."How embarrassing." I tell her. With laughs and smiles , you can guess what's happening . I am doing " The Bestfriend Challenge " with my good best friend Lauren Elizabeth . We are doing one video for her channel and one for mine . I can't stop laughing , we are having so much fun .
-30min later-
"MOM TAKE ME TO HOT TOPIC" I scream at Andrea . We all burst into laughter . "Ohmygod Jenn , your voice." Andrea tells me and laughs holding her stomach . "Ok we all know who the real mom is ?" Says Lauren pointing to herself . We all chuckle and walk away to our rooms leaving Lauren standing there .
I walk into my room and close my door . Grabbing my computer , logging into netflix and starting to watch AHS gives me a idea . I tiptoe to Andreas room and unexpectedly open the door and scare her . I don't hear a reaction from her . Opening my eyes I gasp to what I see infront of me .
Andrea was sucking on a ... Popsicle !!"Where did you get that ?!" I scream at her ."My butthole." She tells me . I run to the refrigerator and find Arden in the refrigerator . I push her searching for a Popsicle in sight ."Woah..Jenn, what's wrong?" Arden ask me . I ignore her , opening the freezer I see the package . Taking the whole package in one hand , I run to my room and lock the door. Taking a Popsicle out the package , I rip the wrapper and put it in my mouth . Strawberry,yum! I keep licking the Popsicle not knowing that I accidentally butt dialed Jc . The Popsicle is so yummy!!Pounding starts to form on my door . "Jenn!!! Open up , I want a Popsicle!!"I hear Lauren scream ."No! they're mine !!" I scream at her. I hear a slam and realize Lauren just broke into my room . Next thing you know it was all slow motion . Lauren was running and was about to launch herself to my bed . I was about to the same . I jumped and launched myself to my bed . Stretching my arms trying to reach for the Popsicle box . As I turn my head , I see Lauren is farther than me and almost close to the box ."Noooo!!!" I scream , and in slow motion I fall to the ground . Raising my head I see the girls laughing at me and I see Lauren with the Popsicle box . I give them a glare. They walk out my room still laughing . I stand up and close the door . I hear a sound coming from my bed . "Hello?" I walk closer and towards my bed ."Hello?!" I say again .I grab my phone to see Jc as the caller ID. Shit ! "Hello?" I say into the phone ."Sup,that was a nice fight that I heard." He tells me "Oh my ! No that was embarrassing." I tell him . " Are you okay ? I think I heard you fall ." He tells me ."We'll my shoulders hurt a bit ." I tell him ."Can I come over ?" He ask me . My heart starts racing . Oh my ! "Sure." I hang up knowing he will be here in a bit . Ok I change ? Nah I'm good . What if he judges me ? Shit! Did I shower ? OMG did I fart ? I run down the stairs hearing the doorbell ring ."Hi" he tells me as I see him at my doorstep. I let him in and we walk into my room because we literally have no where else to go . He sits on my bed and I sit next to him . "So,why'd you come ?" I ask him ."I know this might seem stupid but I thought I could massage your back." Woah, did he just ? No! OMG this is weird . "Ok.." I tell him . I scoot my hair to my side and he begins to massage my shoulders . This is too creepy . Too embarrassing and too touchy. After a while I get used to it . I turn my head to see myself inches away from Jc's face . Oh his lips ! They are too die for . He stops massaging my back and stares at me . He scoots his face closer to mine and whispers " Kiss me ."
"Kiss me."
I hesitate and inside my body is going insane . Scooting closer , I start to close my eyes . They shoot back open at the sound of my room door being swung open and a voice screaming " HOWABOUNGA!!!" I push Jc and look at Andrea who is standing in the middle of a important scene that WAS gonna happen . " Oh , shit ! Was I disturbing something ..?" Andrea ask really worried ."Uhm..No, of course not .. actually Jc was about to leave ." I tell her " I am ?..I am !" He says after 5 seconds because I nudged his shoulder . I push Jc out my room and out the door , mouthing ' I will talk to you later' I close the door on his face feeling terrible as a pile of poop for doing that . I go back to my room to see Andrea still standing on my door with a smirk on her face . "Ok ! You got me.." I tell her putting my hands up in surrender . "Jenn it's like the second time I have caught y'all about to kiss .. When are both of you just gonna do it ." "Andrea !!!" I tell her in shock . " Eww Jenn !! Not that type of doing it , I meant the type where y'all are finally gonna kiss.." She explains ."Oh.." I answer her quietly.
" Hey, sorry about earlier.. Andrea knew what was gonna happen so I had to make you leave .. I am so sorry ." I press sent and how he can reply . In seconds my phone beeps.
From Jc:
" I totally understand , it's cool." He text me .
"We'll that's good to know , can I come over ?" Temped I press sent and am scared of what he's gonna say .
"Sure." He text me back . In a rush I grab my car keys and my phone , rushing out the door I go to their house . Knocking on the door once I wait for a reply . Once the door is open it reveals a showered Jc , he has a towel around his waist and one so his hair can dry . I still don't get how he is that comfortable around people like that . I walk in and ask where the others are . He tells they're not home so it's just us . We walk up to his room and I am left sitting on his bed . He gets dressed and after sits next to me . We start to talk and laugh a bit . Then we get into the dumbest argument ever . Jc kept on talking about how lips have bones . I kept saying they don't . " Jenn , I'm telling you .. they have bones !" He tells me chuckling . " No they don't !" I tell him almost laughing . "Oh really ?! Then Ms smarty pants why don't you show me ?" I stop laughing after he says that ."How?" I ask him . He scoots closer and I shiver . Tell me no one is gonna interrupt us this time . At this moment I tell him those words ."Kiss me." and he sure doesn't waste any time trying to connect his lips to mine . But I'm glad we finally kissed . It wasn't rough , it was smooth and gentle . Once he stops kissing me , I push his chest."Jc, I can't ..." " I have to go .." I stand up and run out his house with tears brimming in my eyes . The reason that happened was because I didn't want to start anything with Jc , and I don't think I'm ready too . I go home and decide to eat . While I'm chewing on my microwaved macaroni , Arden comes to disturb me . " Hey J!Wanna come to a party ?" Hmm..let's see umm.. No! Nah to harsh . I'll go maybe it could get my mind off of ... Jc . "Sure!" I tell her . But .. Jc loves to party . What if he's there ? "Uhh..Arden?Actually , I changed my mind .."I tell her "Ohh.. I just sent a text Dom saying you're already going."Great.."That's okay.."I grab my macaroni plate and bring it to my room . Starting to watch AHS I get a phone call from Jc . "Hello?" I ask into the phone with macaroni in my mouth."Hey,whats up?" I hear him say."Watching American Horror Story." I tell him "Thats nice..?" I chuckle at his response and tell him I have to go . Walking out my room , at the corner of my eye I see a figure outside the house door . I dont know who it is but I sure do know that they are about to ring the doorbell . I sprint off my feet and run to the door opening it before the stranger could ring the doorbell and wake up Andrea . But this was no stranger to me . "Connor?!Oh my god What are you doing here?" I tell him with a huge smile plastered on my face ."Oh my god ! Condabon is here!Eekk!!" I was so happy he was there .I let him in and we go to the little kind of living room ."Whats up?" I tell him offering him a seat."No no. I dont wanna sit,this is important ." I was shocked and stood up from the floor."Well what is it?" I ask him . Before my eyes I scream and jump at what Connor says.

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