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It felt like a Deja-vu for the boys. Same siren noise, same uniformed guys getting out of the cars and ambulance, chaos break out, shouting, everyone moving around. They looked around with tear stained faces and red rimmed eyes. They saw their friend's lifeless body loading into the ambulance, covered in blood, eyes open.

"What.. What's happening? Why is this happening to us" Jin cried dropping down to the floor gripping his hair with both hands. Namjoon rubbed his back trying to calm him down even though he himself is scared to death. His hands shaking with fear.

"Hyung be strong. We have to get through this together. Police will help us, nothing will happen to any of us anymore!" he tried to reassure the older even though he himself was no sure. He too was scared, he too was worried about his own life. But he had to be stronger for everyone else.

"Mr. Kim, we need to take another statement from you guys." the middle aged cop said looking at the state of other boys. Namjoon sighed and singled him to walk away from others. He got the gesture and followed him to a side away from other's eyes.

"Officer, you can see the state of my friends. They are clearly not in their right mind now. They can't face another investigation. " he tried to hide his frustration but failed with his stressed mind.

" I can see that Mr. Kim, but they are the witness and his close friends. I have to do this now to avoid any more danger to you guys." he answered. Namjoon pinched his bridge of nose, glancing back at his traumatized friends. Jin was squatting down ,rocking back and forth , Jimin was staring at his best friend's house with blank eyes, Jungkook and Yoongi was hugging each other silently crying. He had an intense battle with his mind deciding on what's the best thing to do. Finally he turned towards the kind cop .

"Can you at least let two of them to stay. I don't think you can make them cooperate." he nodded understanding the situation.

"Ok then, I'll be in the car. Decide on who should stay and let's do the talking in the police station. " he said nodding at him. Namjoon bowed at him thanking for his kindness and walked towards his friends.

"Guys, we need to give our statements to the police." Only Jungkook and Yoongi looked at him. Namjoon looked at others with pity. They seemed to be in a some kind of trance .Jungkook followed his gaze , eyes softening with the sight in front of him. His strong hyung he always looked up to , who he's always relied on in such a vulnerable state made his heart ache.

"It's ok, we can go to that. They can rest in Jin hyung's apartment." Jungkook said patting Namjoon on his shoulder. In any other time, he would tease the younger on how mature he sounds but he didn't have courage in him to say something like that in a situation like that. so instead he smiled at him and turned to Yoongi who seems lost in thoughts.

"Yoongi-ah, are you coming?" the latter flinched and blinked few times. he was met with Namjoon's concerned look . He grabbed younger's elbow and dragged him to a side. Jungkook was confused but gave them the privacy hey needed.

"What's it hyung?" 

"I know this might sound unbelievable but I have to say this" Yoongi whispered looking at others over youngers shoulder. Namjoon nodded signaling him to carry on.

"I don't trust Jimin." He said looking into other's eyes. Younger was taken back by the sudden distrust. He furrowed his eyebrows clearly asking for an explanation. 

"look, I know you might not believe me. But listen  to me. He called me saying he wanted to visit me because he couldn't sleep but went to Taehyung's instead. he said that when he was already here. so the murder happened when he was here. He was the one went to get candles with hobi. He was there when a murder happen." Namjoon's eyes widened at the explanation. But he still had trouble believing what he just heard. 

" But Taehyung was his bestfriend and Jimin is the nicest person I've ever met. I just.... I can't think of something like that." He said . His head started hurting with all the thinking he was doing for past few hours. His eyes welled with tears, everything overwhelming him. He looked at the older helplessly. "What should we do hyung?" he asked, voice small and scared, finally showing what he have been feeling.


Jiggle of Jin's keys managed to muffle the sound of their racing heart beats they were hearing alone the way to his house. He fiddled with his keys trying to open his door with shaky fingers. Yoongi gently took the keys from him opening the door for Jin and Jimin. They decided to come home while Namjoon and Jungkook do the talking. Even though he was not sure Namjoon agreed to mention about Jimin to the police while Yoongi keeps an eye on him.

He led the older to the couch settling him down. "Jimin can you ready the guest rooms for us to sleep?" He asked from the other boy in the room. He nodded leaving the two.

"Hyung, don't worry. I'm here with you. Nothings gonna happen. Come let's go to your room" the older nodded getting up stumbling in the process. Yoongi caught him on time before he fall. He help him to go to his room. He knew this house inside out. In fact everyone of their seven friend group knew by the amount of times they hung out together. They were always sticking together since they were kids until they got real jobs and became busy. He tucked the older in and turned to go and find Jimin. But a cold hand around his wrist stopped him from leaving.

"Don't leave me please" Jin begged, red rimmed eyes staring helplessly at his own ones. He sighed and sat down next to him. He took older's cold hand on his palm caressing it softly.

"I'm not going anywhere hyung, Let me just check on Jiminie hm? I'll come back to you " He asked. Other gave him a shaky nod. "Just go to sleep, I'll come quickly" He said before leaving the room. He knew the older would fall asleep as soon as he left given the tiredness he had.


Jin woke up feeling suffocating. He tried to breath through his mouth gasping but to no avail. He tried to get up flailing his arms around when he felt a weight on him pushing him into the mattress restraining him. His hands hitting ornaments on his night stand, fragile glass hitting the floor and shuttering with a loud sound. The person above him leaned closer, hit hot breath ghosting around his neck.

"I tried to make it less painful for you, but seeing that you don't cooperate i don't have any other choice but to do this." A familiar voice whispered into his ears. Before he could form any words in his mouth he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. He gasped wanting to scream but his already oxygen deprived body refuse to make a noise. he clenched his eyes shut praying everything to just be a dream. but the pain in his stomach reminded him that his was all real. The friend who and other his dead friends trusted is on him slowly and painfully killing him. he clutched onto the murderer's arm digging his nails into his flesh clenching his teeth in his own pain before releasing his last shaky breath. his killer's creepy smile being the last memory of his short 28 years old life.


Who do you guys think the killer is? 

Anyways, thanks for reading

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