Chapter 7, Armor

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Isa met Kaliment in the small forge they had going hidden near the trees. It had been two whole weeks since he had told her he was pregnant, and a lot had happened. They had called the suitors out for battle, they had come. That day was going to be of glory they could have ended it then and there...but then Kaliment got sick, ruining everything. His defense line fell first, most of the panicking as he collapsed to the ground. The rest of the day was filled with blood and gore, most of them trying to Kaliment off the battle field then keep him safe. In the end the suitors had given up and went back to the palace. For now they were both at rest, both building up for more battles and skirmishes, possibly even the final battle. The entire country knew now, and people were choosing sides, or staying out of it, or just helping either side, who ever paid better.

Isa could not believe the people, after all Kaliment had done for them! He lead them to his place they called home, his family did! His family organized them, and now he had kept them safe and alive ever since. How could they abandon him now! The war should be over by now! But it wasn't, because of the people.

Isa smiled at Kaliment, he still had not recovered since the battle. He was to hard on himself. It wasn't all his fault. Mainly it was the baby's, who had made his stomach swell quite a bit since the battle, he was no noticeable,. It was also, his line of defense's fault. They had broken after he had fallen. If they hadn't have done that they could have won the battle without their king.

Isa just ignored his sourness, "How's the baby?" She asked, she was the only one who knew, and since they were all alone she felt obliged to ask.

Kaliment shrugged, then gave a smile, shaking himself out of it, he always felt better around his servant/solider Isa, "Our lesson is based on the baby."

"Oh is it now?" Isa smirked, they had kept their distance acting formal in public or anyone was around but when no one was there, they went behind the law's back; they loved each other and made no point of hiding it.

Kaliment nodded, "The baby's getting quite large, I need help to make new armor that not only fits my stomach but makes it not so noticeable."

Isa nodded, and walked over to him, placing her hands on his now noticeable stomach, he blushed, but put his hands over hers. "You need to tell Amir (A-meer), he can give you supplements to eat to help the baby's growth."

Kaliment shrugged, and sighed, "Isa it's no use. Neither of us are going to survive."

"Don't think like that Kalli (Ka- lie) you will live." Isa pleaded.

He shook his head and pulled free, and walked past her to heat the huge oven like thing, "Come servant you will learn to forge."

Isa nodded, and the rest of the day was spend heating and cooling metal, shaping it then strengthening it. It was fun, she loved working with Kaliment, espeically when he snapped out of his mopey stage, and acted like he used to, kind but firm, very enjoyable. When they were done, making sure it fit just so, they set it on one of the wooden tables for it to fully finish cooling; tomorrow they would come back and paint it and add fabric and padding to soften it.

Isa admired her king's work, "Well done my lord."

Kaliment nodded, "Would you like to forge yourself a weapon I will help you."

Isa beamed remembering her fail, of trying to make a weapon. It had been her first test and had not went well. She still had her...lump of metal but never used it. She looked at Kaliment eagerly, "yes my king."

"After you and I shall go and eat, lunch will be ready by then." He smiled as he set to work. This time he instructed her much more hands on, making her hold the tools this way and that. Telling her how to know when to pull something out of the flames to correct it, then cool it to strenghten it, and then to put it back in. The whole process took much longer than it should have they both didn't care about lunch, they were just enjoying being with each other.

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