Chapter 26, Hidden.

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"Simon," Isa began near tears. He got up with a yawn and wrapped himself in a thick fluffy cape, "Isa just go back to bed."

"I...I can't." Isa cried, Kaliment had been gone for three months! He was probably dead and it was all her faulth! She ruined everything!

"There is nothing you can do, why don't you join me for a glass of warm milk?"

Isa nodded at her temporary king, nothing could make her feel better. No soft words, gifts, friendless nothing, not even his happy healthy children. He could just stay away that long! If she knew anything about him, it was he would never leave Kasandra. What if he had been taken?

Simon sighed, put his arm around her shoulders, and lead her to the kitchen. Kaliment watched from the shadows with a slight smile. He missed Isa, he missed his castle he missed everything. But he wouldn't come back, maybe never. They said he would die. They wanted to kill his baby, take it from him, when the entire time he had been perfectly healthy. About a week after his escape he felt good never better, and there were no complications.

He looked to his fattened stomach with a full grin as he felt the baby move. "Hello my baby." He whispered, giving his stomach a gentle pat. Looking around he left his hiding place, and dashed to the nursery he had built to find Kasandra. She was the only one awake of the three, she had gotten into schuedal about two months ago, and now she just way quietly. Kaliment immedatly picked her up and snuggled her.

"Oh my Kassy, I missed you so much." He cooed, patting her back. She gave a small cry, and a big toothless grin as she grabbed at his face. Kaliment beamed and put his forhead to hers as he patted her back. "Oh my child, you are getting so big. Pretty soon you will be walking, and talking, and daddy will teach you to write, and read, and...."

"Da!" Kasandra cried, whacking his shoulder with her chubby fists. Kaliment looked at her expressionless with pleasure, "Oh Kassy, your so smart, daddy is so proud of you." He kissed her forehead, then walked to the bookself and grabbed a nursery rhym. Sitting on the rocking chair he read softly, in the moon light to his daughter, who leaning on his arm sat up right, and watched the rhyme book. She after a while started to fall asleep, and curled against his fattened stomach with a slight smile.

Kaliment gave a sigh in pleasure and watched her as he gently stroked her back. After a while when he grew tired, he slowly got to his feet, and walked over to the crib. Setting her next to her brothers he put her pink blanket around her and set the yellow teddy bear next to her. Leaning down he kissed her goodnight, then his two boys, Killian and Kizar. Who shifted slightly and gave a smile.

With a last look at the crib Kaliment made his way out, and down to the bathroom where he cleaned himself, and dressed freshly. Heading to the kitchen he stole some food that wouldn't be missed and left the castle, and headed into the woods. Climbing a tree, the one he had made home in he fell asleep with a wide smile on his face.


The thundering of hooves woke Kaliment in an instant. He back up further into the tree, ushering more branches in the way. He thought the daily searches had stopped, possibly a border check. Once they had passed and had gotten a distance away he got out of the tree and ate some food he had stolen. Giving a stretch he woke himself up, and walked deeper into the forest.

His ankles were a bit swollen and his back was sore but he didn't mind. He drank from a small stream then headed towards the cabin, that was far, far upstream. By noon he had made it to find it was occupied, a small trail of smoke drifting out of the chimney.

"I wonder who that could be..." He muttered to himself, gently rubbing his stomach. A moment later he found out, it was his father.

"I'll be back by nightfall, Eliza." He replied as he closed the door and headed into the woods. Kaliment watched the cabin a while longer.

"I can't take it baby, I can't take seeing my mother like this." With that he walked to the cabin, slowly opened the door and entered. His mother was sitting next to the small fire pit nitting, Kazir, her favorite of the triplets in her lap. Killian was in basket curled up sleeping. Kasandra no where to be seen.

"Mother?" He spoke, his voice soft making her look up. A joyed look came on her face as she started to sob, "My little Kaliment your alive! Where ever have you been!"

"I am sorry, mother." He replied sitting next to her and putting his arms around her. She just wept against him, "I wouldn't let them kill my baby. I just couldn't."

"Come home Kaliment! Come home please!" His mother begged.

"I am not coming least until its born." He replied, taking Kazir in his arms.

"Oh, no sonny don't give me that! You have made us worry day and night about you! And I won't let stay away no more!"

"I am not letting them kill my baby." Kaliment replied, tickling Kazir's stomach. His baby laughed, his green eyes twinkling. His mother didn't reply for a moment she just woke Killian up. Kaliment smiled, oh how blue Killian's eyes were. He missed seeing them in daylight, he missed seeing them smile, their eyes wide. He missed seeing how beautiful they were and how big they were getting.

"Sonny, please I am sure they...."

"No..." Kaliment replied with a choke forcing back tears at the thought, "They tired killing it last time for no reason. They just hate my baby thats all, and I won't go back and deal with it. They said I was going to die, they said it was going to die....and nothing happened."

"Kaliment...they didn't know."

"There were going to kill it! They said it would kill me!" He replied as a tear streamed down his face, "Even Isa, my wife didn't back me up. She hates the baby, it ruined everything, it ruined our big day! Well I can't take it! I love this baby! I don't care who the father is! Its my baby too and I can keep it!"

"Kaliment..." His mother replied softly, passing him Killian. He took his other baby and then snuggled them close one in each arm, as she spoke. "My son I didn't think...."

"No none of you thought." Kaliment snapped, "And I am not coming back, if all of you hate my baby so much then I don't need you!"

"Kaliment! Lower your voice! You were sick! You were dying at one point we had no idea you would make such a miraculous recovery!"

"You were going to kill it." He growled.

"No I wasn't, it was Amir and Chads idea and they were doing what was best for you."

Kaliment didn't reply, "You, are not going to tell anyone or else I will never return."

His mother shook her head and gave a heavy sigh, "Kaliment have you every thought about birthing it? You have lived who knows were, for how long, alone. What are you going to do when it comes? It can get stuck very easy, and...."

"I know." Kaliment replied, remembering for the first thim again difficulty of having a baby.

His mother put a hand on his, "Kaliment my son, I will alwasy be here for you. I want you to come back, so dearly but this is your life, I just hope you come back some day.Tell me anything you need, or want I'll leave it here, I won't tell anyone. Your my baby your secrete is safe with me."

Kaliment took a deep breath, "Thank you mother." He was glad to not be in this alone any more, and that some one had his back and could help him with any means necessary.

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