Justin noticed the second he walked in something wasn't right with you. You were usually so happy when you were around him and today you were just not talkitive at all. Your boyfriend just broke up with you about a week ago and you couldn't handle it at all. You didn't tell Justin because you knew that if you did, how mad he would get about it. Justin had just walked in the door and you were both watching some tv show on the couch. "Everything alright?" He nudges you and you look over at him not wanting to make it obvious that you were some what depressed. "Yeah why?" You ask trying to cover up the fact that you were dying in the inside. "You just seem a little doleful." He says looking into your eyes knowing that you were hiding something from him. Well, he knew something was wrong and there was defiantly no way of hiding it from him, and thats when you just broke down. "Ryan broke up with me." You tell him in an uncontrollable wave of sobs. "Babe..i'm so sorry." He sighs pulling you close to him. You could feel him tensing up as he held onto you, obviously ferrous, but knowing that he just had to be your comfort right now. He rubbed your back soothingly as you cried into the soft fabric of his white shirt. The crying went on for a couple of minutes, Justin being there with you the whole entire time. You finally look up at him and he gives you a loving smile. "Im sorry this happened.." He mumbles looking into your eyes. "Its okay." You manage to whisper. The room was quiet for a little until Justin finally broke the silence. "You know, not all guys are like him." He says pulling away so that he could look into your eyes. "Hard to believe." You mumble still sad over what happened. "How about i prove it to you." He whispers looking into your eyes with his own. He leans in and plants a gentle kiss on your lips. The kiss was about five seconds until you both pulled away, eyes looking into each others. You guys couldn't help but to laughed as you both looked at each others expressions. "I promise for as long as i live i will never look at another girl the same way that i look at you. You so beautiful (Y/N), and i want you to be mine." He says looking at you hopeful. "Of course ill be yours Justin."You smile and he envelopes you in a big loving hug. "You have no idea how much I love you babe." He says kissing you once more, and you knew that this was going to be your best relationship yet.