Chapter No.10

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The only things that could be heard, were the bell when the parlor's door opened and closed, and the quiet cries of a certain boy.

The boy was beyond scared. He couldn't stand the fact that he might lose his best friends because of him keeping a secret from them.

He was scared that the relationship between him and his two Chinese friends might fall apart.

Before he could get even more panicked, his thoughts got interrupted by his younger Chinese friend.

"Why...?", Chenle hesitantly asked.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?", the Chinese whispered as he looked at his Hyung with teary eyes.

He didn't judge Haechan for what he did, the Chinese understood that the older just wanted to help his family. But he couldn't quite understand why the other boy didn't tell him and Renjun about his problems.

"I-I wanted to, b-but my father didn't w-want me to tell o-others about our financial p-problems.", the tanned male explained with a shaky voice.

"I-I am so sorry. I-I should h-have tell you.", Donghyuck managed to voice out before his cries turned louder and he began to sob.

"You don't have to be sorry.", Renjun finally spoke up. Yes, the boy was a little bit disappointed that Haechan kept such a secret from them. But he couldn't stand seeing one of his childhood best friends crying, he hated seeing them suffering.

"You just wanted to support your family. There's nothing wrong with it. Neither is Chenle nor am I mad about that. We just liked to know it sooner, that's it.", the older Chinese assured his younger friend.

Before the crying boy could properly respond to his Chinese friend, he was interrupted by the ringing of a mobile phone.

As everyone turned towards him, Mark was already standing and let go of Haechan's hands to walk away and answer the call.

While Mark walked a few meters away, Donghyuck started to miss the warm feeling of the elder's hands on his.

Wow, I didn't think someone could miss something so quickly, the boy thought and watched how Mark tensed up after talking on the phone for what seemed like just a minute.

After another minute which was filled with silence, Mark came back to the table with a mix of worry and anger written on his face.

"Guys, we need to go.", the oldest male of the seven immediately announced once he arrived at the table.
He wasn't very pleased with leaving the three boys, particularly the crying sun-kissed male, alone, but of course, he wouldn't voice out his feelings. It would be weird to express them especially when the boys weren't very close with each other.

"But why?", Jaemin questioned which snapped Mark out of his thoughts. The boy was so deep thinking about his emotions that he didn't notice the other six staring at him with curious eyes.

Maybe he looked a little bit too long in a specific pair of eyes. But you couldn't blame him, the brown in these two eyes were so fascinating that the only thing that he could do, was admiring them.

'What the fuck, Mark. Stop it. Don't think like that', a small voice in his head warned him.

When he looked at the face that belonged to the eyes, he stopped at the boy's lips which were formed into a pout and looked so kissable.

'K-kissable?", the boy couldn't help but ask himself why he was thinking like that and why his heart was beating way too fast.

'What does Jaemin put in his coffee?'

The black-haired boy snapped out of his thoughts, once his younger friend spoke up again.

"Sorry, what did you say. I was in thoughts", the oldest explained and rapidly turned his look towards Jaemin.

"I was asking why we have to leave already. We shouldn't leave the three alone, they are feeling probably very troubled. We should bring them home, where they can talk in peace everything out.", the blue-haired boy explained. He wasn't really fond of the fact that the boys might get in danger if they leave them alone.

"Yes, Jaemin-Hyung is right. Maybe we should drive them home before it gets dark.", the youngest of them voiced out.

"Guys, the car is standing in front of the school, besides we would get in trouble for being late. You know that Hyung hates unpunctuality.", the still-standing boy argued. He didn't like the idea of leaving the three boys alone either but their Hyung seemed to be stressed but also very serious during the phone call.

"Y-you guys d-don't have t-to d-drive us h-home.", the crying boy affirmed the other four. Donghyuck thought that the four 'bad boys' weren't really bad. The suntanned male noticed that the boy really cared about their friends which he found kinda cute. The boy didn't want them to get in trouble because of him and his friends.

"W-we can j-just walk, i-it doesn't t-take long t-to get to m-my house a-anyway, so w-we'll be f-fine."

"No, we'll drive you.", Jeno determined before he stood up and reached for Jaemin's and Renjun's hands. With a look, he managed the others to follow him and started heading out of the park, towards the school building.

"Y-you r-really don't h-have to d-drive us, y-you know.", Chenle assured the younger once again as they walked side by side behind the trio. His heart was beating way too fast, his hands were sweating and he could practically feel his cheeks turning red.

But what the Chinese didn't know was that it wasn't a better situation for Jisung either.

The youngest couldn't believe that he was walking beside his crush who looked even cuter with the little blush on his cheeks.

"I know, but I think we all would feel better if you guys don't walk home on your own. Besides you get home faster by car.", Jisung voiced out and gave the older a brief smile to which the older couldn't do anything but getting redder and. Once he noticed, Chenle shyly looked away.

'Cute', Jisung grinned.

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