Chapter No.39

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"Hey, where exactly are we driving to? I feel like you're kidnapping us, or something like that", Renjun asked the boy in the driver's seat once the four boys got picked up by the other two.
They were driving for some time now, only Mark knew where they were driving to and each time they would ask what their destination was, the Canadian would just shrug it off and say, 'you'll see'.

The older Chinese got annoyed after he received a 'you'll see' from the other once again. The boy hated surprises. He didn't know how to react when he didn't like the surprise, so he always tries to get as much information as possible to prepare himself for the surprise but with the older not saying anything, it was basically impossible to get to know something.

"Minhyung-hyung, please tell us where you drive us to. Renjun-hyung can be really scary when he's annoyed or angry.", Haechan pouted trying his best to make the elder give in, yet the only answer he got was a soft smile before Mark intertwined their hands with each other, lightly squeezing the younger's one.

"Who the frick is Minhyung?", Jaemin asked from next to Renjun, it's like there is an unwritten seating plan in the car, Mark and Haechan sitting in the front, Jeno, Jaemin and Renjun behind them, and the two youngest at the back.

"For you? No one. For Donghyuck? His future boyfriend.", Mark replied confidently and looked at the younger through the review mirror before he glanced at the boy beside him who was blushing madly.

"Wait, hyung, is your Korean name Minhyung?", Chenle asked from the back, really hoping that Mark was Minhyung because that meant that his ship was going to sail in the near future.
He would be so happy for his older Korean friend if the Canadian asked him to be his boyfriend. He would be really happy, yet it reminded him of his own crush on the younger sitting beside him.

Chenle decided to make some moves towards the younger, not wanting to wait for the latter to make a move himself. The Chinese thought that he would try to give hints but if he noticed Jisung didn't like him back he would immediately stop.

"Maybe. Maybe not.", Mark shrugged his shoulders, "But even if it was my name none of you would be allowed to call me that. Anyways, we're there."

Looking out of the window, Donghyuck was amazed. In front of him was an amusement park.

"Guys, come on, let's go before more people arrive.", the oldest said as he was already standing outside the car before he walked around the car and opened the car's door for the sunkissed beauty. Holding his hand towards the latter, Mark hoped the younger would take it which he did.

Haechan was flustered as he took the elder's hand and muttered a softly 'thank you', making the other six boys smirk.

"Wait a minute, hyung, we don't have money with us.", Chenle stated and pointed between him and Renjun to which Donghyuck added a "me neither".
The three boys suddenly got sad, their excitement long forgotten, because they couldn't pay for the tickets.

Sending the sudden change of atmosphere, Jaemin tried to lift the mood, "Don't worry, we can pay for everything."

"Yeah, Jaemin is right. I was about to pay for my sunshine anyway." Mark spoke up, pulling the younger closer towards him while he put his arm around the other's waist.
He really wanted to show that the Korean in his embrace was his even though they weren't in a relationship yet.
But at the same time, he was scared that he would pester the younger if he's moving too fast.

"Y-You don't have to....", Donghyuck responded, not wanting the blonde boy to spend money on him but when he was about to say something more he got shushed by the Canadian.

"Shhh... I wanna spoil you, so let's go~", Mark told the other before dragging him towards the amusement park.

"Minhyung- hyung, I wanna rid this one.", Haechan pointed at a roller coaster while he pulled at Mark's shirt, hoping to get the elder's attention.
The seven males were already in the amusement park for at least half an hour now and in midtime they got separated, so Haechan and Mark walked around on their own.
They already were at some carousels and booths where Mark won on demand of Haechan some plushies, including a lion one because the younger kept on telling that it reminded him of the Canadian.

Mark looked up at the roller coaster the other had pointed at and gulped. He wasn't a person who would get scared really quickly but seeing how high it was, he couldn't help but be afraid.
Yet, when he saw how excited the suntanned boy was, Mark quickly pushed his fear aside and took the Korean's in his before walking towards the devilish machine.

Sitting in their seats after being in line for a few minutes, Donghyuck glanced to his right and had a view of a very pale Mark.
"Hyung, are you alright? You don't seem to be feeling very well.", Haechan questioned worriedly and intertwined their hand with each other once again, caressing the elder's back of the hand with his hand.

"I-I'm fine. I'm j-just afraid of h-heights.", the pale boy answer as he tried not to look down once the ride had started, making the younger even more worried.
"WHAT?! Why haven't you told me before?", Donghyuck wanted to know, guilt slowly started to rise inside of him. It was his fault that they were on the roller coaster right. If he hadn't asked the older, he would be feeling alright now.

"You were so excited about the ride, it was so cute....", Mark pulled the boy beside him of his thoughts with the statement and took a deep breath after closing his eyes, " would you mind to be quiet and just enjoy it while it lasts."

After they were finally off of the machine of hell (according to Mark), the two boys walked towards a bench to calm down a little bit.
"Are you okay now?", the younger questioned, still feeling worried and guilty.
"I'm fine but I would be feeling better if...", Mark responded but got interrupted by the beauty beside him, "If...?"

"If you would kiss me."

Haechan blushed once he realized what the blonde male had said, but nonetheless, he moved forward until their lips finally touched.
At first, their lips were just laying on each other but after some seconds, Mark started to move his ones, making the younger copy his actions.

The Canadian didn't want the moment to end. Donghyuck's lips were soft and tasted like chocolate mixed with some kind of fruit. When Mark put his arms around the silver-haired boy - pulling him closer - the kiss got more heated. Licking the other's bottom lip, Mark asked for entrance which Donghyuck granted before their tongues started to fight for dominance to which the elder won.
Kissing for a few more moments, they parted and put their foreheads together before Mark spoke up with a smile, "Thanks, now I'm feeling way better."

After their make-out session, both boys walked around for a few moments and chose to get some ice cream.
When Mark was away to get them their ice cream, Haechan looked around and saw a man in all black looking at him.
Once he saw the man walking towards him while taking out a gun from behind Donghyuck got anxious as his eyes grew wider and he began to sweat. Quickly turning around, the sunkissed male was about to run towards Mark. But he got stopped by a loud pang before he heard loud screaming.

Hey, my lovely cookies
How are you feeling lately?

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Eat well and stay safe 💞


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