Chapter No.43

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Mark stirred in his sleep before he slowly woke up due to the sound of cameras clicking.
When the boy opened his eyes he was greeted with seven males taking pictures of him and Donghyuck while sleeping.

"Guys, what is wrong with you?", the Canadian asked once he progressed the whole situation. In front of him stood his five friends, Taeyong and Taeyong's best friend Ten, all of them holding their phones in their hands.

"You two looked cute while cuddling, so we wanted to take some photos. Look. You're so cute.", Chenle stated as he showed the older his phone where he saw himself cuddled up to the boy beside him.

Mark was about to say something but got cut off by Kun walking through the door before he stopped in the middle of the room and looked between the two boys on the bed and the other seven back and forth.

"What the hell are you all doing here?", Kun questioned as he stared at the group of males standing in the room.


"You know what? Don't answer that, I don't care. But I do care about the patient, so I need all of you to leave the room and let the poor boy rest.", the doctor said and shooed the others away, except from Mark who was still laying on the bed.

"Thanks, hyung...", the younger said quietly before silence overtook them.
Not liking the silence, the blond boy decided to speak up again.
"Hyung...could you check up on Hyuckie? He woke up in the middle of the night but didn't want me to say anything to anybody yet."

"He woke up?", Kun was surprised, he assumed the younger would be still unconscious for a few more days before finally waking up. But what surprised him more is that the other didn't tell him sooner. He would have thought the first thing the Canadian would do was to call him, so he could immediately check up on the patient.

"Why didn't you call me right away?", the oldest in the room question and got out all the stuff he needed to do a checkup.

"He told me not to. He said he was tired and just wanted to sleep, so he asked me to sleep beside him.", Mark replied truthfully. When he glanced at the boy beside him, he noticing Donghyuck had come closer towards him and was hugging now the Canadian's right arm.

"Hey, sunshine, you need to wake up, so hyung can make sure you'll be alright.", Mark attempted to wake up the younger but only received a 'mmh' from the latter.

"Kitten, if you don't wake up now you won't get any kisses anymore. Do you understand?", the second oldest tried again, "I'm being serious right now."

With that, the Korean jolted awake. He didn't want to lose the chance of kissing the person you love.


He couldn't believe that his crush fell in love with him. The boy couldn't stop the smile spreading on his lips just by thinking about it.

Yet, he got quickly interrupted in his thoughts when he heard somebody cough beside him. When he looked in the direction of where it came from, he saw a man he had never seen before in his life.

"Hey, I'm Kun, the doctor who treated you. I'm just here to check up on you, you know. You can rest after that if you want to.", the man introduced himself once he saw the confused expression on the other's face.

"W-What will you do?"

"Just some test. Don't worry, they are harmless and Mark can stay if you'd like.", Kun softly smiled and carefully stepped towards the other two.


"Hyung, c-can I talk to y-you?", Donghyuck asked after Kun did all the tests he needed and left the two alone.

"Sure. What's wrong?", Mark responded and turned towards the younger, so he could listen to everything his sunshine had to say.

"I-I heard w-what you said the other n-night, a-about all this being y-your fault.", Haechan glanced the elder in the eyes but quickly stared at his hands in his lap, feeling how his cheeks got a bit hotter.

"W-What are you talking about.", the elder played dumb but sighed softly once he that the other boy wasn't buying.

"Y-You know what I'm talking about. And I wanted you to know that i-it's not your fault. N-Nobody knew this w-would happen.", the injured male smiled reassuringly at the blond and scooted closer to the other, as far as his injury allowed it.

"Sunshine, listen, I know that it's not really my fault but I can't help but think that I could have at least something against everything."

"But you did! You were the one who helped me when the thing with my parents happened. You helped me with Mr Hyun. And since I'm awake you haven't left my side yet. So don't even dare think like that again or I show you how mad I can get.", Haechan explained and got a threatening expression on his face which found Mark very cute.

"Ok, fine, I won't think about it, so please don't get mad at me.", the elder tried to act scared but couldn't hide his laugh at the end, making the younger laugh too.

"I won't...", Donghyuck assured after they both calmed down a little bit, "But hyung, c-can we talk a-about the other thing y-you said too?"
Donghyuck didn't know if he went too far. He didn't want to make things awkward but he also didn't like how they weren't official yet.
He wanted to show everyone who he belonged to and who belonged to him.

"W-Well...", Mark didn't want to say it, too embarrassed of facing rejection.

"Hyung, I lik-- no, I love you."

Mark was shocked, he didn't know the younger felt the same way and would say it so straightforward.

"Hyuckie,...I-I do too. I love you.", the older replied and stared the other lovingly in the eyes.

"So...", Donghyuck broke the silence which came over them after looking each other in the eyes for a few minutes, "...a-are we a thing now?"

"No, not yet. I want to make it special when I ask you to be mine. Because you deserve it and I don't want to give you less than you deserve, my kitten."

And once again, Donghyuck couldn't stop the smile forming on his lips.

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