So I know how I want the story to go but I want some you guys and gals and others to suggest some feel good moments between
Kol & Peyton. I already have a wedding chapter planned
Kol, Peyton, and their kids
The Wilde/Mikaelson/Saltzman siblings
Peyton and Davina
Hope, Athena, and Aphrodite
Klaus and his daughters
The whole Mikaelson family plus Saltzmans
Hayley and Peyton because I kinda want them to be friends again. I LOVE Hayley and it hurts to write her as a B*tch so please understand that I want her and Peyton to be friends.
Peyton's Moms side of the Family
Peyton's Dads side of the Family
If you have characters suggestions
Species, Powers and/or Skills
16 Personality (which one of the 16 they are)
Friend, Foe, Family, or Lover
If Friend then to who and are they soulmates like Peyton and Davina. Also what tv Brotp are they like
If Foe then to who and why
If Family then what side( Peyton's moms, Peytons dads, Davina's, Alarics,)
If Lover then to who and is it True Love.What TV otp are they like
Faceclaim if you have one
Their anthem
Thanks for they help and suggestions and vote my lovelys
Fanfiction18 years ago Peyton Wilde was the girlfriend of 8 months to Klaus Mikaelson and the best friend of Hayley Marshall. After leaving a dinner early to help Caroline she comes home to see Klaus and Hayley in bed together. After breaking up with Klaus Pe...