My younger sisters ran from alongside me into the rich, green lawn just beyond Schönbrunn's garden. In a fit of giggles they romped over to where several other children were already playing. Games had been set up all over the lawn, and courtiers mingled about enjoying refreshments. The trees of the wood were shades of red, orange, and yellow. Leaves drifted down gently to the earth below. But yet, as winter was on its way, the sun was still shining and warm.
The guard in blue stood dutifully just next to the palace door, his musket against his shoulder. He stood perfectly still, like the toy soldiers that Ferdinand and Maximilian owned. The only human-like motion he made was the squinting of his eyes in the sun. Then I saw what he was protecting- the Princess, standing with her husband watching the girls play. Eleanore was with them, fluttering her fan absent-mindedly. They were both standing awkwardly- Joseph was almost as stiff as the guard, and Isabella crossed her arms in reserve.
I decided to approach them and alleviate the tension. When Isabella saw me, her face lit up. Eleanore stopped fluttering her fan. "Good morning, Isabella, Eleanore. Don't you two look lovely. Would you care to join me for some games on the green?"
Isabella immediately left her husband. "Of course, of course," she turned to Joseph briefly. "Go have fun, Joseph! Don't be a stick in the mud!"
As we walked away I said, "He's never been one for merriment and amusements."
"No kidding," Isabella replied.
"The man's got a stick up his-" Eleanore commented before Isabella stopped her.
"Eleanore, please," Isabella corrected her friend. "I'm not saying you're not right, but please keep those things to yourself near him."
Eleanore rolled her eyes. "Whatever, you know I'm right."
We made our way over to the lawn, where Johanna, Josepha, Carolina, and Antonia romped in the grass. As soon as they saw us Antonia called out cheerily, "Mimi! Izzy! Come play with us!"
Carolina joined in, "Yeah! We're playing blind man's buff!" She held out a silk ribbon that the girls were using as a blindfold.
Isabella and I exchanged glances. She looped her arm with mine. "Come on, Christina!" she laughed, pulling me towards the cheering girls. "Who's it?"
Antonia grinned with a giggle and extended her finger in a point. "You, Izzy!"
"Me?!" Isabella exclaimed, pointing to herself. Antonia nodded. "Well, alright." She kneeled in the grass, and Carolina tied the ribbon over her eyes. Isabella stood slowly, the golden sunlight shining through her pale yellow dress. The frizzy flyaways of her dark hair formed a sort of halo around her head.
I approached Isabella slowly from behind and placed my hands on her shoulders. Guiding her with my hands, I spun her around three times to disorient her, then took a jump back out of her reach. Isabella took a step forward, her arms outstretched, trying to capture one of us. I waved to my sisters, telling them to rush around the other side. The girls stifled their laughs behind their hands as we avoided Isabella's extended grasp. "Antonia," Isabella teased. "I can hear you laughing!"
Antonia replied through a giggle, "No you can't!"
"Now I can hear you talking!"
Carolina pulled Antonia back. "Antonia, hush!""Now I hear two!"
Josepha and Johanna stood behind the Princess, sticking out their tongues and making faces at the clueless Isabella. Johanna stepped a little too close, and Isabella reached down to seize her. In an attempt to win the game, I took a step forward to pull my sister back. In the process, Isabella tripped over my extended foot. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her to catch her, but her weight upon mine sent us both toppling to the ground. I landed on my back in the soft grass, the sun shining down on me. I quickly propped myself up and saw the girl who was laying across my torso. "Oh God, Isabella, are you alright?"
Isabella pulled down her blindfold. "Very much so," She pushed herself up and stood.
"Are you? Thank you for catching me, my dear." She extended her hand, which I took, and she pulled me to my feet.
"I'm..." my mind trailed as I spoke. "Fine."
"I'm glad," Isabella said with a sweet smile.
From the front of the yard, a crowd was beginning to gather. "What's happening?" I asked.
Isabella grasped me by the arm and pulled me towards the crowd. "I don't know, but we have to see!"
We pushed our way to the front of the herd of well-dressed ladies and gentlemen to see my younger brother Charles brandishing a sword. "Joseph, my brother, shall we see who is the better heir?" At first Joseph refused, shaking his head. "What are you, some kind of coward?" Charles grinned. "Come on, Joey."
Joseph shook his head, despite all of his friends around him pushing him towards the young Archduke. "No, no."
Isabella turned to me. "Watch this," she let go of my arm and strode towards Joseph. She approached him with a beaming smile and placed a hand on his chest. She leaned into him, and looked up at him with wide, puppy-dog like eyes. "Oh, Joseph," she cooed in a sweet voice. "Won't you protect me from that ruffian? Won't you, my prince?"
Joseph wrapped his arm around Isabella's waist and embraced her. "Of course I will. Ernest, hand me the goddamn sword," he reached out behind him, and once of his friends placed a sword in his hand. He extended it towards Archduke Charles. "It's on, kid, it's on."
Isabella came back to my side with a glowing grin. "See, it's just that easy."

Je T'aime.
Historical Fiction"I am madly in love with you, virtuously or diabolically, I love you and I will love you to the grave." Excitement spread across the Viennese court with the news that Crown Prince Joseph of Austria would soon be married to the granddaughter of two...