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Tommy sat up quickly trying to catch his breath, he'd had one of his many nightmares which awoke him in the middle of the night. He slowly tried to calm himself counting to 20 to slow his breaths, trying not to wake Tubbo, who laid beside him. They has been in foster care for about 5 months in and out of homes, some good, some horrible. At this point Tommy's only goal was to find Tubbo a family who loved him, even if they didn't love Tommy.

Tommy ended up falling asleep about an hour after his nightmare and was once again awoken by a pounding at their door, Shooting out of bed Tubbo reached the door and opened it to see Mandy, one of the caretaker at the boys home where the siblings where staying.

"Hey, I know y'all weren't expecting anyone, but a family is here to meet you so try to look presentable and head downstairs." Closing the door as she left, both of the boys looked at eachother with hope in their eyes, a family usually never came to see them, they usually meet at a foster meeting, basically a dog show for foster kids. They quickly shoot up and started to get ready.

After a quick 15 minutes or so Tommy was fixing Tubbo's button's on his shirt and combing his hair with his fingers.

"O god I hope they like us" Tubbo said excitedly.

"Trust me Tubbo they will love you, everybody does." Tommy responded.

Tommy had thought a lot about if maybe he was the reason Tubbo wasn't getting adopted and maybe he should leave him for the better, but he made a promise to his parents that he would watch over Tubbo. Even though Tommy was only 2 years older than the 13 year old, he felt like he needed to be a father figure for Tubbo.

Not long after The boys headed downstairs meeting Mandy at the end of the staircase. "They're in the dining room, and boys, good luck". Mandy was one of the nicer ones at the boys home while some of the other workers were solely their for income.

The boys stopped for a second or two to contain themselves before turning into the dining room. They were greeted by the sight of a tall long pinked-haired boy who seemed to be around the age of 18, sitting next to a shorter curly haired brunette who seemed maybe a year or two older than the other, finally stood a blonde-haired man who was noticeably shorter than the others, but by the clothes and expression he was wearing told Tommy that he was the father of the other two.

The three stood up by the entrance of Tubbo and Tommy, changing their expressions from blank to happy, kind people, except for the pink haired one whose expression stayed blank throughout.

"Hey boys, I'm Phil and these are my sons Wilbur and Techno." The shorter man said pointing to the two others.

"Hi, I'm Tommy and this is my younger brother Tubbo" Tommy replied trying to seem like he wasn't shitting bricks, which he was.

The man motioned for the boys to sit on the two empty seats across from the three men. After talking for a bit Tubbo had warmed up to the family, while Tommy had stayed quite just trying to observe the situation. Soon enough though Phil had caught on to Tommy's quiet presence and offered that Techno go show Tubbo and Wilbur some games he had on his switch, leaving Phil alone to chat with Tommy.

Tommy took a deep breath knowing he would have to actually socialize with this man and not just pretend he wasn't their. Tommy had noticed how easily Tubbo got along with this family and didn't want to ruin his chances with them.

"Hey, so Tommy what do you like to do." The eldest tried making conversation only to receive a shrug and a little mumble of "i don't know" out of Tommy. Phil sighed, knowing he was going to have to carry most of the conversation.

"So Tubbo, he's one heck of a kid, huh" Phil said looking at Tubbo across the hall.

"Yeah, he's great, do y'all like him?" Tommy asked.

"Oh yeah, of course, I'm sure he gets it from his older brother though."

Tommy shrugged looking away trying to end the conversation. God why was this man so persiant, he thought to himself.

After about 10 minutes of Phil asking questions and getting either no response or a simply yeah out of Tommy the three others walked in laughing.

"Hey Tommy!" Tubbo said excitedly, Tommy could tell Tubbo was having fun which made him a smile.

"Hey Tubbo" Tommy replied.

"So it was really nice meeting y'all, I know we have to do some talking with foster care and everything, but I think this is gonna work out."

Phil said with a big smile. Soon after the boys had said their goodbyes and headed back to their room.

"OMG they were great weren't they?" Tubbo almost yelled,

"Yeah they were okay" Tommy replied, which made Tubbo scrunch his nose at the weird response

"What, you don't like them?" Tubbo asked, this time his excitement was gone.

Catching himself tommy said "No, no Tubbo their great, I really like them I swear." Tubbo gave him a small smile which Tommy reciprocated.


wow 899 word count, I may incorporate some 1st person POV, but not sure yet.

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