Too Late (RoyalChaos)

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I got home, everything felt wrong...

I shouldn't have done that in the first place. It's been a month since we started it and I'm glad I put an end to it.. but it feels horrible, disgusting and I'm just worthless by doing this. I don't even want to look at him and tell him.. but if I don't tell him he's going to find out on his own in anyway right? so what am I supposed to do? I can't lose him, I don't want to.

I know he's my one and only.

-Finally you got home.. -he smiled at me and I just gave him a quick kiss.

I have to do this, it's not okay to lie to him, to pretend like it never happened because our relationship doesn't have any secrets right?

-Listen I need to talk to you..

Everything just froze, he looked at me confused.

I can't, no, I don't want to break his heart.. but it's too late for that...

-What's going on? Is there something wrong? you know you can tell me anything...

So many things are wrong right now.. and I can't even tell you

-You're worrying me Anthony..

God no, no, no, I can't do it!

-I'm so sorry...

And he was even more confused about me saying this

-What are you talking about?

Just say it...

-I.. I cheated on you.. with.. John.. but I put an end to it and..

He stopped me.. he didn't look at me.. I could feel my heart breaking slowly just by looking at his expression.. I can't take it

-How long?

I could feel my tears forming quickly in my eyes just by hearing his voice

He sounded broken and it was all because of me

-A month

I could only say and he just looked somewhere else but me, all the tears I didn't want to see were falling from his eyes.. and it just broke me even more.. but silence was the worst of it all.

-Say something please.. I need you..

And he looked at me again..

-What do you want me to say? that if I give you another chance everything will be different.. because it's not.. you ruined it Anthony..

He was whispering because he was now sobbing.. and that's all I could hear in the room right now, his sobs, my fault.

-I would do anything to make it up to you and you know that

But what he said tore me

-Maybe I don't want you to make it up.. maybe it wasn't meant to be

I can't hear it

-Don't say that, please just don't say that!

I couldn't hear it, not from him

-But it's true.. you wouldn't have done this if you actually loved me right?

And my world came crashing down


I could only whisper his name out, but anything I said right now, wouldn't change a damn thing.

-It's over.

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