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princess skated down the street, one bag on her back, the other in hand.

she arrived at the laundrette, only one other person in there as it would be closing time soon.

she threw all of the clothes in the machine, staring down at the white hankie spotted with crimson blood before tossing it in with the other clothes and starting up the machine.

she leant against the machines next to the one she was using, watching as the store owner, abby, closed the shutters and flipped the open sign to say closed.

she always did this, shutting everything up but letting the last few people stay to finish up their laundry and/or drying, just not letting other people in.

as the only other person left, ayo conversed with abby as the older woman shut up shop, the teen waiting for her laundry to finish up.

as it finished washing many minutes later, ayo threw it into the dryer, putting it on a higher setting so it finished quicker.

abby always scolded her for this, knowing clothes could shrink if you put them in a different setting, but ayo was used to being in a rush.

when the clothes eventually finished drying, she unloaded all of them, stuffing them back into the bag she brought them in.

she payed abby, the woman giving her a hug, watching as the teen walked down the street.

'give my love to vera!'

abby watched as the teen got on her board, cruising away with a shout back of 'i will!'

princess arrived back at her house, pushing the front door open softly.

it was around 9pm at that point. the television was on, and the girl held her breath at the noise.

she cautiously approached the living room, seeing tony passed out in front of the screen, a beer in his hand, almost tipping on the floor.

the girl entered her aunts room, setting the laundry bag down on the floor.

she quickly and quietly packed all of her aunts clean clothes away, folding them and placing them where they belong.

she went over to the woman, smiling as she noticed the food she prepared was mostly gone with only the bowl left, the spoon left next to it.

she picked up the barely touched glass, along with bowl and spoon, and the rest of the now clean laundry that was left by the door.

she set the crockery in the sink, getting her aunt a fresh glass of water.

she grabbed out any clothes of hers that were in the laundry, not wanting the man she had to call an uncle going through her clothes.

she went in her aunts room once again, setting the drink on the bedside and picking up the no longer cold rag from its place by the woman's hankie, that vee had placed there after her meal.

she leant down, kissing her aunt on the forehead.

'night vee, abby sends her love. i'll see you tomorrow.'

the teen gazed at her sleeping aunt, a tear falling down her face. she sniffled and wiped it away, swiftly getting up and leaving, softly shutting the door behind her.

she put the rag in the laundry hamper in her room, treading lightly back through the house.

she set down some aspirin and a glass of water for tony, grabbing the almost spilling can out of his hand and turning off the television.

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