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the next morning princess woke up, wrapped in ray's arms. she smiled at the sleeping boy, laying in silence for a minute, saving the peaceful moment.

she knew the boys were expecting them, so she sighed, poking him on the nose.

'rayyyyy, rayyy, wake up'

he groaned, opening his eyes.


'we're expected at motor today. we're skating the gap remember?'

'oh, yeah.'

he nodded, although he made no move to get up or release the girl, only pulling her in closer.

she rolled her eyes amusedly, wriggling to get her arms free.

'okay, be lazy then, but don't say i didn't warn you.'


he was cut off by his own shriek as she tickled him, the boy rolling off the bed in attempts to save himself from the girl.

she set up in bed, laughing at his reaction.

her curly hair was messily thrown into a cute bun, and his oversized shirt hung off of her shoulders.

he smiled.

she looked beautiful.

he stood up, rolling his eyes.

'i'll get you breakfast, you get changed.'

she nodded, grabbing her bag.

she changed her outfit, setting ray's shirt on his bed, stuffing her dirty laundry into the bag she had previously retrieved her fresh clothes out of.


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she nodded at herself in the mirror, satisfied with her simple outfit.

she undid her hair, humming to herself.

opening her bag, she sighed as she realised she forgot to bring a hairbrush.

'i doubt i'd be able to tame this mess anyway.'

she mumbled under her breath, combing it through with her fingers before pulling it up into a high ponytail, a few curly tendrils left down to frame her face.

just as she started applying her makeup, ray came back, two waffles in his right hand.

he passed the food to her and she thanked him, sitting back on his bed to eat and turning to face the wall, normal procedure for the two, just so ray could change.

she ate her breakfast, her mind all over the place.


she turned back round, finishing her waffle and looking back in the mirror.

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