Part 3

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Jimin’s POV

After that day, I started to see what my classmates meant by how different Jungkook was acting when he was with me.

He was so stoic and mature when we were surrounded by others, but he acted a litte too clingy to me when the others were absent.

Like how I was arranging the books in my locker and my friends decided to go first to get us empty seats, Jungkook was suddenly by my side and decided to stick close to me.

By close, I mean really close.

Like his face was only a few inches away from mine.

"What are you doing?" he asked, resting his head on the locker beside mine, as I continued arranging my things, and I let out a soft sigh hearing his question.

"Obviously enjoying your pretty face," answering him sarcastically, he just ignored my tone and wore a beautiful grin on his face.

"What will you do next?" he asked again, and I answered him without the sarcasm this time.

"I'm going to eat. I'm starving," closing the locker after all my books were arranged, I walked towards the direction of the cafeteria and Jungkook followed behind me.

"Treat me something," he whispered into my ears and I stepped away while cupping my ear, throwing him a warning glare to not do it again.

"Don't do that again. And by the way, I'm not your errand boy, plus, you got more money than I am. You're a scholar student, and Mr. Jeon's son," I retorted, saying nothing but facts.

Jungkook received a scholar due to his amazing athletics and academics achievements, so, he should have a lot of money.

Furthermore, his father, Mr. Jeon was rich, rich.

And to be his son should mean that he was rich too.

Therefore, I didn't understand why did this boy always tried to drain my almost non-existing money.

"My dad controls all my expenses. I'm saving my food money for my gaming equipment," he told, like he just read my mind, and I turned to look at him.

"There's no way you got no money at all," squinting my eyes, skeptical that this future heir of Jeon legacy was penniless.

"I don't. See how empty my wallet is?" he took out his wallet and opened it up before shoving that thing in front of my face, and I took his wallet from his hand and examined the content.

There's really no money at all.

Wow, there's no way people would believe this expensive wallet contained no money at all.

"You can sell this wallet instead," giving back the empty wallet to the boy, Jungkook rolled his eyes at my idea.

"To who? Would you buy it?" he asked with a smirk and one eyebrow raised, and I quickly turned my head away from the boy.

Why was he suddenly so handsome?!

"I don't need a wallet that costs more than my whole fortune," taking faster steps away from the boy, I tried acting cool to not let my emotions show.

Jungkook still followed behind me until we reached the cafeteria, but then he stopped just before we got through the door.

"Where are you going?" not hearing his footsteps behind me, I stopped my track and turned to Jungkook.

"The library, I guess. There's no way I'm sitting there without drooling on the food," he scratched the back of his ears with another hand in his pockets, and I felt pity for the boy so suddenly.

He looked like a hungry bunny but shy.

"Share with me. I can't usually finish mine anyways," telling him a white lie, I made a note in my head to buy more than I usually did later.

"No, I'm just kidding about earlier," he flashed a smile and tried to walk away, but I wasn't going to allow him to do that.

Not after I knew he was hungry.

I can't stand being hungry, this growing boy should be the same.

"Just come here you little shit. Who cares if you're a Jeon or what, you need to eat," grabbing his wrist and pulling him close to me, I took him to one of the empty tables, forcing Jungkook to sit.

"You sound like my mom," he sighed, and I could see him starting to be the cold Jungkook again due to the increase of students in our surrounding, but he didn't try to leave.

"Well, you can call me mama," crossing my arms in front of my chest, Jungkook raised one of his eyebrows at my sassy attitude.

"No, I'll make sure our babies call you that," he smirked handsomely again, and I felt goosebumps all over my body while my face heated up at his sharp gaze.

Taking a step back, I cleared my throat before turning my body towards the food area, and quickly went that way to escape the suddenly flirty boy.


Dear Jeon,

I guessed that's the start of me developing a crush on you.

Dear [Jikook ff] ✅Where stories live. Discover now