Part 6

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Jimin's POV

Jungkook's flirts started increasing day by day after that.

Although I knew it's wrong, but I couldn't help it when my heart beats faster whenever he did.

And today, he decided to snatch my books for the next class, preventing me to get to the class on time.

"Jungkook, give me back my book," I became a little bit panicked when the bell rang, seeing the hallway starting to clear up.

"Get it yourself," he waved the book in front of me but quickly lifted it up above his head when I tried to get the book back.

Curse his height.

I thought last year I was taller than him?

This is unfair.

"I'll high kick your face," I warned, knowing that I could really pull off the move if I wanted to.

And I really wanted to plant my feet in his handsome face right now.

"Try it," he teased with a smug smirk, challenging me to really do it.

Being in a Taekwondo club since I was little had made me have a very flexible body thus even though my back was almost touching the lockers, I could easily lifted my leg for the said high kick.

However, before my feet could make contact with his face, Jungkook grabbed it firmly with his hand and stopped the kick.

He easily stopped the force with his hand, and I was knocked out of my breath when he pushed my shoulder with the hand that was holding my books, making my body got slammed to the locker.

"Let go of me," I tried to shrug his hand off my shoulder, but he only tightened his grip, however, not tight enough to hurt me.

Just enough to prevent me from moving away.

"This flexible body of yours is really making my imaginations run wild, Jimin," he pushed my leg that was still in his other hand towards the locker, placing my leg just beside my head.

He closed the distance between our chests and I was starting to get nervous at the closeness of our bodies.

"Stop talking nonsense and give me back my book, we're late to class," I tried pushing his hard chest to move away from me, but he didn't budge at all.

"I could easily pound deep inside you in this position," he whispered dangerously as he grinded his lower part to mine with a roll of his hip, and I gasped in shock at what he just did.

I forcefully ripped my leg away from his hold and my hand automatically went to make contact with his cheek in a large swing that his head turned to the side a bit by the strong force.

"I can't believe you just did that," whispering in such hurt tone, I looked down to prevent him from seeing my watery eyes.

Pushing him away with all my might, I left the scene with a sick twist in my stomach.

I felt harrassed, never expecting Jungkook to be someone who would do that kind of thing to another person.

I ended up skipping the rest of our classes by isolating myself in the library's history books corner, knowing well that no one would go there to find their read, especially Jungkook.


Dear Jeon,

Forgive me for slapping you, but you shouldn't do that to someone else without their consent, even if it's someone who likes you, like me.

Dear [Jikook ff] ✅Where stories live. Discover now