Night 3~

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The last once may be long but this one might be longer??? Idk but we're gunna see. (Let's hope this isn't 1057 words T-T that one took all day)

"Is George embarrassed?~"

Dream asked. George rapidly shook his head once Dream finished his sentence. Then the best thing happened in the world. The six o'clock bell rang and George cried In happiness

"Hahaha!!!! I WIN!!! I am never asking you guys that question AGAIN!"

George yelled gasping, breathing, what ever it takes to get some air in his lungs from all of that difficulty.

"Maybe you should ask that question again GeorgeNotFound~"

George just, stared at Dream in shock blushing madly again and getting a boner. But then Dream realized that there getting a new animatronic.

"I'll let you off the hook this time Georgie~"

Dream said once more then walked out of the office then an yellow haired, red and while shirt and ripped jeans with red and blue shoes
appeared when he was gone.

"Ey chap. Got a little problem down there, you might want to take out your shirt and cover it before that green guy fixes it for you."

George blushes harder and his boner gets harder to the point it starts to hurt so he asked if he can teleport George home and accepts.

"What do you do anyways?.. just sit around or preform?"

George asked, while Tommy just stares at him in anger with the combination of shocked.

"Well... I.. got broken down because I was the cause of the bite of 87 of William Afton third child... His older brother tried to stop his friends from doing the prank on him... but.. I didn't have enough time to react and I.. shut my mouth.. and killed him.. then his sister, after her, her mother, then it was just Him and Terrance Michal Afton left..."

Tommy explained George was in shock and still in heat. But he realized that he was still at the house and placed George in his bed.

"Get some rest chap. You have a big day today."

George nodded and faked sleep to get Tommy back to the pizzeria. George opened his eyes and seen Tommy gone. He sighed and went down stared and grabbed a water and chugged it down.

Least my boner went down a little.. but not all the way..

George thought in his head and grabbed another to bring to his room. George lived alone in a normal house. He and his friends planned to live with him but, they died from Afton so he decided to live alone. It was lonely time to time but he had a pet. It was a cat. But in its teens, if it was a human but still he had a friend ever since he moved to Idaho, (because we have a Chucky-Cheese here in Boise *if you know what that is*) when he got to his room there was a human... not anyone he knew but the person knew him.

"Who are you?..."

George asked the guy that was in his sweater. The guy snapped his head at the other human and just stared until he went to the window. George didn't know who the hell he was but the sure acted like a cat. An hour later George got up from his nap and went to work.

When George got there the guy said that Tommy attack Skeppy and has lost a lot of oil so he went to the back and he wasn't kidding when he had lost a lot of Oil....


The diamond animatronic whispered stuttering trying to lift his own head to lock eyes with the black brown kid but he was in too much pain to even move, he couldn't even go into his human form he was hurt that bad.

"They weren't kidding...."

George whispered, taking off his work hat and slowly placed it on his chest. The colorblind turned on the light and rushed to the tool box with a full gas tank with oil.


They heard Dream screaming at Tommy who was crying oil, telling and begging Dream that it was just jealousy and trying to get them to believe them. But Dream had to regret to beat the hell out of Tommy until he had to be shut down. Only George knows what happened to Tommy's past, he was also crying but rarely showed it.

After fixing Skeppy

After when George was done with Skeppy and turned him on the brown haired boy went to find Tommy and found him.....

Ello! How y'all doen? I want to leave a cliff hanger so I can have more time to think of the forth night ideas and write my other story's too it's not just this one! Anyways be safe and love y'all! Bye!!!
827 Words

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