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29thJanuary , 2018 at Grand Palace , New Delhi -:

29thJanuary , 2018 at Grand Palace , New Delhi -:

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                "The Grand Palace "

The Grand Palace was going to witness the
Grandiose celebration of our 71st Republic Day  Beating the Retreat and Dinner party . The whole palace was decorated with fresh bloomed flowers , every corner of the Palace was illuminated , lakhs of people gathered outside the palace for the evening speech of The Indian Prime Minister . The VIP guest list included top most business personals of the world , along with the Delegates of the Big Five and the Prime Minister of Israel.
From the richest to the poorest , from the youngest to the eldest all gathered there to witness the celebration of the Day When India Became a Republican ! Thousands of Candles lit up the whole palace , along with luminous lights of different colors hanging on all sides , the sight was breathtaking as well as the person to see it even for once will be left in awe .

But each and every person standing there were least known of the DISASTER , waiting for them like a whirlwind which will engulf them within it and no one can find any trace of them further , the small kids were little known of the fact that their future is going to be more black than the color itself , the younger generation filled with hope were least aware about their life being turned into a living hell ,and the older people were least known that their end will be the most pathetic one , and all this was a result of one personal grudge that only a single person named Bakhtiyar Khan had against the Country . For the people , the Mystic Fighters were those who were no less than super hero for them , the people of the country believed the M.F. so much that they didn't had a single expression of fear in their eyes , they were relieved because they knew anyone who thinks of harming the country first has to face the Indian Soldiers  where the death of the evils  is inevitable !

Main Hall , Grand Palace , New Delhi -:

Main Hall , Grand Palace , New Delhi -:

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                "The Main Hall"

It was about 6 in the evening . The Prime Minister arrived in the Main Hall , along with all the other officials of the Government. The leaders of the Opposition were also present there . Each on of them were scared from within , Bakhtiyaar had already abducted some of their family members , someone's son , someone's sister and someone's  wife . The security was tight out there , the Army Officials were given strict instruction to keep eyes on any unparliamentary act  taking place in the Campus , but least they were aware , that no one from outside but an insider only was going to destroy the Whole Country because they , the Spy Agency Mystic Fighters did not informed anything about Bakhtiyaar to the army because all the leaders' were hijacked in some or the other way by Bakhtiyaar . After half an hour , Bakhtiyaar called the P.M. to start his speech because after that all the people would gather in the Town Park where the Army was about to perform the Beating The Retreat and after that free distribution of food was to be done to the common people and the VVIPS would have dinner in the Grand Hall . 

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