(1) Life of The Party

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^Catalina Rogers,Sarah and Joe Rogers. Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter. James and Winnie Barnes. Bucky and Penelope Barnes. Rebecca Barnes.^

Catalina was rushing through NY traffic one Sunday morning. She finally made it to the church parking lot. She dropped some visine in her big blue eyes and went to go inside. She was late and hung over. She quietly tried to sneak in without drawing to much attention to herself and found her parents.

Joe cut her a look when he seen his 19 year old daughter sneak in. Not just because she was late but her outfit was questionable. He was the mayor of NYC and married to Sarah Rogers who was a DA in Brooklyn. After service was over they all went to have lunch with the Barnes who was also in attendance at church.

When they were all in the parking lot of the restaurant. Joe walked over to Catalina who was getting out of her car.

"You are in deep trouble young lady. When we get home we will talk.." Joe said in a low stern voice.

She looked down.

Bucky looked at Steve. "She can't stay out of trouble can she?" Bucky said as he held his four month old daughter Hazel.

"No. But you know how Cat is. She's always been trouble even when we use to have to watch her. She's always reckless and as dad use to say a little dare devil." Steve said as they all started to go inside.

The grandparents joined them at lunch so they had several tables together. Catalina picked a spot she always picks when both families are together. Away from everyone at the end because her dad and James Barnes who is a top neurosurgeon in NY talk about golf and work. Steve and Bucky discuss their business they run together called B&R Corp. Steve's long time girl friend Peggy Carter is a general surgeon and Bucky's wife is a pediatric surgeon.

Not to mention Sarah and Winnie work together in the DA's office as lawyers. Bucky's little sister Becca is a doctor as well. Doesn't leave Catalina a place in the conversation she is 12 years younger than her brother a surprise baby. As she flipped her hair back to start eating her fettuccine Alfredo her grandmother Mary Rogers gasped in horror.

"Catalina Eleanor what in the heavens is that on your neck?" Mary said which made everyone look up.

Catalina slowly pulled her blonde hair back down to hide the hickeys she had.

"Is this why you were late to service this morning? To busy having sexual relations to get up?" Mary said

Catalina looked down. "It isn't the only reason is it Cat?" Joe said

"Geez Cat have some class.." Steve said

"Shut up Steve nobody asked you." She said

"He isn't wrong Cat you need to have some class and decorum. My god you showed up with your tits hanging out." Bucky said

"And nobody asked you either.." she said as she slammed napkin and left the restaurant.

When Joe and Sarah arrived home she wasn't home she had gone back to the Hamptons. She was already partying it up with her best friend Spencer Heyward. Three days later she finally returned home to attend her grandmother's summer semi formal dinner party. She showed up half drunk and high in a very short leopard dress and matching shoes.

"Hey daddy and mama.." she said

"Catalina are you alright?" Sarah said

"I'm great!" She said

Joe looked at her. "Catalina.." he said

"Catalina Eleanor what on gods earth are you wearing? You look like a street walker." Mary said as she walked up behind her.

"You did not just call me a hooker." She said

"If the shoe fits." Steve said as he joined the family with Peggy by his side.

"You know what I'm leaving. I get so tired of everyone acting like the fashion police.." she said as she started to walk away.

"Catalina..are you drunk?" Peggy said

"Maybe..maybe not. Goodbye.." she said as she headed back inside the house.

"Joe you can't let her drive if she's like that." Sarah said

"Let her fall on her face Sarah. I'm done trying threats don't seem to phase her." Joe said

"Oh come on dad. Let's call them what they really are empty threats..Bucky would do the same thing when he would watch her. She pucker out her little lip and tears and he would turn to mush you did the same thing." Steve said

"Hey don't you bring me into this. It's not my fault.." Bucky said

"Good luck when Hazel gets about this tall Penny. Cause he's going to be the same way." Steve said

"I am not." Bucky said as he sipped his scotch.

"If we get a phone call tonight I'm blaming all of you." Sarah said as she walked away.

The next day before Joe joined James and their sons at the golf course. He found his daughter in her room asleep.

"Cat get up it's almost noon." He said

"Just five more minutes." She whispered

"Catalina Eleanor Rogers! Now!" He snapped

Cat sat up and rubbed her temples. "If you don't get your shit together we are going to start talking consequences. You are starting college this fall and I won't be able to pull strings like I did at St Andrews to keep you there. You need to start being more responsible and less irresponsible. " Joe said

"Yeah..sure." She said

"I mean it Cat. You aren't in high school anymore." He said as he walked out.

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