(5) "you'll be there"

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A month later 

Catalina had continued to keep her distance for the last month. Keeping it strictly professional at all times even when he was at her house. 

"Catalina come in here please." He yelled from his desk. 

She walked into his office. "Yes Mr Barnes." She said 

"I have you told a thousand times to call me James here. And Bucky outside the office." He said 

She wouldn't look at him. "Cat you are coming this weekend. To the charity gala..you have to be there because it's our charity gala." He said 

"I didn't know it was required." She said 

"It is. And you'll be there. Formal gown and a big smile on your face." He said as he walked to her. 

She backed up. "Catalina..why are you being like this?" He said as he stopped her. 

"I just need you to back up just a little so I don't do anything else that's stupid." She said 

"Catalina.." he said as she walked away. 

That Saturday night she showed up in all green. Joe wasn't a fan of the dress neither was her grandmother. She had smoked two joints before she came into the ballroom and drank a small bottle of vodka. All of her brothers friends wives were dresses in these gorgeous classy formal gowns. She just never liked them she always thought they were boring. 

Half way through the night Bucky finally spotted her in hiding at a table near the back. He walked over to her. 

"What are you doing all the way over here in the dark?" He said as he sat beside her. 

"Hiding. Bored I hate coming to these things. That's why I quit coming." She said 

"Come on come dance with me." He said 

"I don't want to dance I want to go.." she said as he dragged her. 

"New York State Of Mind." Began to play. 

"Is there a purpose to the all green look? Is your way of saying you are jealous?" He said 

She looked up at him. 

"Catalina..yes what you did was wrong. But it was a simple kiss it wasn't like you shoved your tongue in my mouth. You gently kissed me on the lips..I stopped you before things went any further. And Penelope knows she was a little upset but once I explained it to her..she wasn't." He said 

She looked down as the song ended. They went their separate ways she picked up her clutch and left. Bucky seen her leaving up the stairs and looked down. 

"Oh what did I do wrong Cat?" He thought. 

She went home changed and headed to Spencer's where they got drunk and high. She slept with  Spencer's brother who was in for the weekend from college. She showed late Monday morning hung over. 

"You're late." Bucky snapped at her. 

"Yes I know you don't have to yell at me!" She said 

He pulled her into his office. "Don't you yell at me! We have potential new clients coming in today Catalina! And reflects on me and Steve when your half drunk ass shows up here. Go home.." he said 

Tears began to well. "Don't you dare do that. I am not 15 anymore and you aren't little so go home. Sleep it off and come back tomorrow." He said 

She swallowed hard and walked out. Steve stopped her. "Hey why was he yelling?" Steve said but she pushed him away and went on to the elevator. 

Steve went into Bucky's office. "Why were you just yelling at my sister? She was hysterical Buck."  

"She's hung over and she was late. Covered in bite marks..that's not something we need today. We have new clients coming in today and we don't need her looking like she just left a party." He said 

"You have never yelled at my sister like that before Buck." Steve said 

"Yeah well I'm not 15 anymore." Bucky said 

The next morning she covered her hickeys and made sure she wasn't late. She quietly sat at her desk. Bucky came in a few minutes after her. 

"Morning Catalina." He said 

She wouldn't even look at him she followed him into his office laid his messages and meeting schedule on his desk and walked out. He took a deep breathe and walked back out to her desk. 

"Catalina I'm sorry. But you can't show up like that okay? I'm sorry I yelled at you and made you cry. Come here." He said as he turned her around. 

He hugged her. "I'm so sorry." He said as he rubbed the back of her blonde hair.

He lifted her chin. "Just please don't do it again.." he said 

She looked up at him. "Did you two make up? I knew it wouldn't take long." Steve said he leaned against the door frame sipping his coffee.

"Shut up Steven." She whispered as she sat down. 

"By the way these two things are for you two. Peggy and I have set a date these are the save the date cards." Steve said as he gave them to each of them. 

"We good Cat?" Bucky said 

"Sure." She said as she started to do her homework. 

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