(14) Diamonds and Baby Girls

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Five months later

It was December 18th when Bucky helped Catalina finish decorating their tree. They had moved out of the penthouse shortly after September began. 

"Baby come here..look it's starting to snow." He said as he pointed out the window. 

He wrapped his arms around her from behind as he kissed her head. 

"I have an early Christmas present for you my little love." He whispered 

"You do?" She said as she turned around. 

"I do.." he whispered 

He went over to her stocking and pulled out a ring box. 

"Catalina Eleanor Rogers. You my little lady love my fairy princess and giggle box. The love of my life..who knew that the love of my life would be the little girl I watched grow up. The little one that hid under tables so nobody would find her eating cookies. I love you Catalina..and I know most people don't understand our connection our bond but I don't care." He said as he kissed her. 

She smiled at him. "I love you and I want to give you something that I think you were suppose to have all along. My last name..Catalina will you marry me?" He said as he dropped to one knee. 

"Oh my god yes..when did you do this?" She said 

"When you were studying at the campus library last week." He said as he slid the ring on her finger. 

"It's gorgeous and sparkly and big." She said 

"Well of course. I'm a CEO of a multi-millionaire company." He said 

She kissed him they began to make out. She pulled away. "What?" He said 

"My water broke.." she whispered as she felt a contraction. 

"You weren't due first.." he whispered as he helped her out the door. 

Within five hours Catalina gave birth to a tiny 6lb 5oz baby girl with big blue eyes and dark hair. They named her Sydney Joanna Barnes their families came in to gush over the little one. It quickly turned into a celebration of their engagement as well. Steve hugged Bucky as he took his niece. 

Once Steve gotten over the initial shock of it all he was no longer mad. The next morning Bucky had to go back to the labor hall cause Penelope was in labor. She gave birth to a baby girl who was 6lbs and 7oz at 10 AM on December 19th. They named her Zoey Daniella Barnes. Hazel came in with Winnie and James a few hours later she got to meet her two new baby sisters. Penelope and Bucky had been going to therapy to work on a better co parenting relationship but she refused to work on a relationship with Catalina. 

Both moms got to go home within 24 hours of each other. The custody agreement they had in place for Hazel was Bucky had her full time cause of Penelope's work schedule. He didn't have to take as many business trips because he had Steve. Penelope was able to have time when she had days off. 

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