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Jo's P.O.V
I'm counting down the days, 3 more to go to get out and see my baby girl. I've done the work and I actually think I'm ready to leave and get back to life as it was. Not that I really know what that is or enjoyed it, so maybe I'll say a better way of living? I've lived with depression for about 2 years now but since I gave birth it got to the point I could hardly get out of bed to see to her. I had to be readmitted to the ward I had previously been to. This time tho I had so much more of a reason to get through, my girl hasnt her father to rely on, were all each other has so I worked as hard as I could to be better, not for me but for her.

Ever since Alex left I could feel myself slipping but held on to the surgeries and my friends. I hadnt even realised I was pregnant till I was about 5 months, to be quite honest I thought I was just getting fat so I was working out a lot more to try n lose this weight but obviously it wouldnt budge. I had asked Mer to check me out thinking maybe I had a mass or something but no, I had a little peanut growing inside me.

However grateful I am for Meredith to have taken in my little girl I'll be so much happier to have her back in my arms. Alex was my great love, the love of my life and to be honest once he left I thought I'd never love again, until I had my baby, the love I have for her is so much greater than anything I have ever experienced before even for Alex. I had named her Cartia Kala Wilson. Cartia meaning unconditional love, and Kala being Hawaiian for princess. I had thought even though Alex had left me ... well us, his grandparents where Hawaiian and we had talked about giving our future child a Hawaiian middle name and well princess is the perfect one for it.


10 minutes until Link is coming to pick me up from this place, I am way to excited to get back to see everyone and to hold the light of my life. I start back at work in just over a week, Bailey had let me have longer but working with my therapist has taught me I need to be in a routine (as much of one as you can have with a 5 month old) and taking too much more off wont help that one bit.

I'm all packed and just waiting in the social rooms for them to let me go once link is here. My locket around my neck that once (a long time ago) had me and Alex's wedding photos in now had Cartias beautiful face in had been given to me after long last of them taking it from me. I guess they need to do what's necessary for everyones safety.

"Josephine Brooke Wilson, follow me please" a woman in her mid 40s called of me. Her short brunette hair was pulled up into a bobble as to not be in the way of her face. I grabbed my bags and followed her along the corridor until we reached the doors. Her keys jingled as she looked for the one to fit the door and as she did a loud clang was released and then so was I. Finally outside of the quarters I had been shut in for almost a month now.

Hi, erm how was it?
I'm not really sure how I am with writing and nowt really happened this chapter but a lot is about to happen dont worry :)
Also I will be making shit up to cover my tracks when writing this like the thing about Alex's grandparents, I like hawaiian named so I made it up lmao x

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