54. The Dark Lord

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Persie blinked a few times as she rolled her head and groaned, feeling a throbbing pain go right through her forehead. She sat in a dining room chair with her wand loosely clasped in her hand, as her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room. It was large and open, with french windows all along one side of her and fire crackling the hearth opposite, along with a few sofas and a rug in front of it. It was mainly black, with dark wood flooring and murky peeling paint. There was one figure in the corner of the room, looking out of one of the windows and they turned at the sound of Persie waking up.

"Persephone. Nice of you to join me." He mentioned, as he turned and she felt her stomach fall through her body and her throat turn to ice and she had to force herself to keep taking in air, "Are you scared? Don't be scared, Persephone. We both know I'm not going to hurt you."

"I'm not scared." She replied, with dead eyes as she shuffled in her seat and it clicked in her brain that she wasn't tied down.

"Do you really think I would tie you down? We're going to be friends, Persephone. You and I." He tried, before she shook her head, "No. I don't think so."

"I thought you might need a little persuading." He mentioned as he turned back towards the windows and she felt a whole new wave of shivers pass through her, "What do you see, Persephone?"

"I don't see anything." She stated in a monotone voice, before he stretched out a bony white arm behind him and beckoned with his fingers, "Come here, my child."

"I'm not a child. And I am not yours." She replied almost too quickly and she had the sudden fear that she was going to die as he looked backwards and pierced her with his eyes as she swallowed in fear, before his face turned back to the window, "Yes. My mistake."

She took a step towards him, before contemplating what she was actually doing, and then taking another step anyway, "Why would you bring me here?"

"Do you know where this is?" He replied, before she shook her head meekly, "No. Does it matter?"

"Not particularly." He commented, as he continued to stare out of the window and Persie joined him there, "All that's important is that this is not Hogwarts anymore, Persephone."

"I'm not blind." She stated without thinking before she felt his gaze on her and she immediately felt the urge to jump through the window.

"You are truly not scared." He mentioned, before nodding, "I admire that trait. It's something I wish a lot of my followers possesed. But unfortunately, I have that affect on people who are not as strong as us, Persephone."

"Strong?" She asked, before he nodded, "Yes. Both you and I have been through life experiences that no one else that is like us have had to deal with. We have lost so much and gained so little. And for what?"

"I don't know what you do this for, but I do it to save people." Persie mentioned, still trying to spot what he was staring at, before he answered, "I save people too, Persephone. Our own race, the pure race. We teach people who is superior and who is inferior."

"You kill people." She countered.

"So do you." He said bluntly with a new cold edge to his voice as her shoulders dropped and she finally registered his wand in his hand and she swallowed, "It's my job. There's compromise."

"Your job can be to save people without compromise, Persephone. That is what I am offering to you. I can give you everything that you have ever wanted." He almost hissed and she noticed the snake like features of his head fully. His eyes were like cold slits in his facce that made her uncomfortable to look at for too long before she shook her head slowly.

"I think it's time to look again, Persephone. Do you see anything now?" He asked, returning to a softer tone of voice as she looked up to the window again, "I said before, I-"

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