70. Astronomy

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Persie waited impatiently in the corridor outside of the Great Hall, pacing back and forth to the rhythm of the clock in the tower above her. She stopped and began to tap on her arm impatiently, leaning against the wall as she glanced up and down the Entrance Hall. It was completely silent. Seemed like the whole school took Transfiguration at NEWT Level.

"Pers!" Someone shouted suddenly, as she span around and looked down each corridor, before she noticed Regulus' head peeking out from the staircase down to the dungeons, "Reg? What are you doing?"

"If Severus catches me, I'm dead. Especially after that whole fiasco, you're lucky I can even be in the same room as you." Regulus whispered as he pulled her back on to the stairs and she widened her eyes, "Regulus, I am waiting for my friends to get out of their last exam. I don't have time to chit chat."

"Oh, right." He said, "Forgotten what I was going to say now."

"Regulus-" Persie warned as she heard the scraping of chair's and stuck her head out into the corridor, before Regulus grabbed her arm and pulled her a few steps down, "Persie, focus. Seer, Death Eater, Eloise. Remember?"

"You know who it is?" She pressed, before he shook his head, "Not exactly. I have some ideas."

"Already?!" She asked in shock before he shrugged, "It's been four days. Shit happens."

"So ... who?" Persie questioned, as she heard voices spill out of the hall and turned back to him with wide eyes, "Regulus, now, please!"

"Alright, alright." He said hurriedly, as he ruffled his hair to help him think, "Urm, I was thinking not a Death Eater but someone close to one. Maybe ... Mulciber, Rabastan's mum, Avery's wife-"

"Avery?! As in Callum? He only left school last year?!" Persie exclaimed, before Regulus rolled his eyes, "Cal's mum?"

"Oh," Persie said before raising an eyebrow, "Cal?"

"I see him a lot, obviously!" Regulus said, "Do you want to let me finish now?"

Persie nodded, before Regulus screwed up his mouth, "The biggest two I'm digging a bit more into would probably be Narcissa or Ava."

"Narcissa?!" Persie cried before Regulus stepped closer and clamped a hand over her mouth as he whispered, "Shut up! Someone will hear you?!"

She pulled his hand off her face and whispered with a sceptic look on her face, "Narcissa?!"

"Well, she was after Sirius for so long there is no way she would have been on Bella's good side unless something else was up." Regulus explained in a hushed voice, as Persie furrowed her eyebrows whilst he spoke, "I thought it was a family thing. That they were being pushed to get married."

"It started that way, but I would call it more of an obsession." Regulus mentioned quietly as Persie raised her eyebrows, "Really...? That's interesting."

"I'm not being your relationship counselor. I'm sure McGonagall would be more than happy to oblige." Regulus said as Persie shot him a sarcastic smile, "I don't need a counselor. I need a name. Of a Seer. Soon. So I can tell Albus before Bellatrix gets ... all.. in my brain, again. Because if she finds out, I know-"

"I know." Regulus said shortly, "Trust me, I'm working on it."

"Don't get yourself into any trouble over this." Persie said suddenly, as her eyes widened in concern before he shook his head and smirked, "I'm in trouble all the time, Pers. Chill. I'll sort it."

"Okay, I had better be going then, before you become my only friend." Persie mentioned, noting Miranda walk past the stop of the staircase.

"That could never be a bad thing, Potter." Regulus told her before she rolled her eyes and wandered off back up the stairs into the Entrance Hall. Her eyes scanned around for her group, before she noticed Lily's familiar red hair and dashed over.

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