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"I'll say this one last time, move out of the way scum

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"I'll say this one last time, move out of the way scum."

Y/n said, staring at the leader of the treasure hoaders.

The treasure hoarders looked at each other before laughing, "What's a frail little girl like you going to do! Twist my arm?" said one of them.

Y/n sighed and closed her eyes before calling for Ciel. This only made themlaugh harder.

"Calling for your friend now, are we!" the big guy saying while he pointed his pointer finger at y/n.

Y/n barely glanced at the men, opting to look at her nails in boredom which irked the men. Causing them to attack at her.


As a shovel was raised to the air, the man felt an overwhelming pressure on him resulted to him looking up and seeing a man in black.

The man yelped and stepped back to his goons. "My apologies for being late, young lady." Ciel said, bowing at y/n. "It doesn't matter just get rid of these rats now, would you?" y/n said, unbothered by Ciel's late appearance.

Ciel gave a smirk before saying his signiture phrase, "Yes, my lady."

And hell struck the treasure hoarders, literally.

Y/n leaned by a pillar, looking at the damage her butler made. Humming as she saw that it wasn't as bad as the last one.

Somehow that's quite disappointing.

She thought as Ciel slowly walked over towards her and dusted off his gloves, "I've finished taking care of the unsightly rodents, young lady." giving y/n a smile.

Y/n's eyebrows twitched, her eyes giving Ciel a cold stare. "A smile really does suit your face, no?" she said, walking away from the mess.

"Oh you jest, surely." the male chuckled, walking behind y/n.

The walk towards Dawn Winery wasn't that far considering that they've used a carriage for mostly half of their trip. After a few more minutes of walking, they finally saw the entrance.

Y/n sighed—already feeling tired by what she thinks is going to happen—before quickening her pace.

The sooner I get there, the earlier I get to leave.

Ciel, who saw this, merely let out a chuckle and quickened his pace as well. "It seems that you're quite excited, lady y/n."

Y/n stopped, turning around and staring straight at Ciel. "You must be joking, Ciel. Why would I be excited to see a group of incompetent people?" before walking away.

Ciel looked at y/n's form with a small smile, "Yes, that is correct." before pursuing y/n.

The pair stopped at the entrance as y/n told Ciel to open the door, Ciel complied. Knocking at the door, announcing their arrival before opening it.

"I apologize for the wait, Mr. Ragnvindr. You must've waited for quite a while." y/n said, walking inside ignoring the looks of the people inside the tavern.

"No it's quite alright, Lady Etoile." Diluc said, his eyes still fixated on y/n's form as she walked to their group.

"Paimon doesn't know who this person is! Who is she, Diluc no dana?" the floating child said as she looked at y/n while Y/n merely smiled at her.

"Paimon! " Aether said before y/n interjected. "It's quite alright, young man. My wholeheartedly apologies for not introducing myself." she said, looking at the faces of the people in the room.

It seems that the intel Ciel gave me was real, everyone's gathered here.

Curtsying gracefully as she looked down, "My name is Y/n Etoile, I came here for Mr. Ragnvindr has sent me a letter." before looking up to see the people in the taverns horrified and bewildered faces.

Ah this feeling...

Y/n merely smiled at them and standing up properly, "It's nice to meet you bunch, no?" as a small chuckle went past her lips. Licking her lips as she stared at the green clothed bard with a face one could only say was, devilishly gorgeous.

This is only the beginning. I do hope that you'll be able entertain me to my fullest, my dear pawns.

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