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It's been over an hour. Bakugou was still asleep in her room and she had no idea what to do. Sure they were asleep together a couple of nights ago but she was unconscious then. Now she's fully aware that The Bakugou, the one she likes is in her room.

Her face exploded in hues of red. Kazane observed his breathing pattern, in and out. Then she glanced back up to his soft face. Who would've thought he could look like this while sleeping

Her weight begins to shift as she stood up from her chair. When she got to the side of her bed, she picked up her blanket and placed it over the sleeping figure. Kazane smiled as she began stroking his soft cheeks.

The gap between them slowly close as she leaned down. As soon as she placed a kiss on his cheek, Bakugou shifted both lips connecting. Kazane's eye widened and fell back on her ass. She quickly slapped her mouth glancing down at it and back at Bakugou.

"Fuck now I really messed up. I'm so sorry Katsuki," She stood up from the floor quickly bowing before grabbing her hoodie and rushed outside.

Bakugou's eye fluttered open. His hand reached out to touch his lips. Then he grinned as his face turned into a tomato. He didn't meant for it to happen but he sure was glad it did. He just felt uncomfortable and wanted to move.

Kazane dashed out her dorm not looking at where she was going as she collided with a... wall? "Shina! I'm so sorry I wasn't looking!" the figure's hand reached out to her. Kazane took it helping herself get up. "I'm really sorry about that," then her eyes looked onto Kirishima.

"No it was my fault for walking like a mad man," shaking her head. "What happened?" Her eyes widened, Does he know? How does he know?!

"What are you talking about!" not realizing she basically screamed at the man. "Woah calm down, It's just that you were in such a rush," Kirishima chuckled flashing a sweet smile. I kind of envy your future lover. Kazane quickly shook her head away from the thought.

"Nothing! Yeah no i'm perfectly fine, yeah nothing at all," she nervously laugh. "Whatever you say. Alright I gotta go back to my dorm," Then with that he had left the girl. Who happened to be embarrassed by the situation.

Kirishima stopped in his track, "Oh by the way" Kazane's head whipped towards the voice behind her. "Have you seen Bakugou? I haven't seen him anywhere..." He knew his brain wasn't playing tricks on him. He chuckled lightly seeing how red the girl got. So that's what it's about.

Kazane stammered on her words not getting a single sentence out, "Good luck! He can get kind of handful." He watched as the girl broke out in even more of a mess. He smiled again turning his back to her before heading on with his way.

"Now he totally knows," Kazane facepalmed herself before quickly strolling down the hall.

Bakugou laid there staring at the stars on her ceiling. "Didn't know she liked stars." Even though he has been in her room before, it felt like this was his first time observing her room.

He looked across from where was. Kazane had a large bookshelf full of manga and other school related books. "What a nerd," Bakugou mumbled to himself. Then for the first time, he finally noticed a frame that held an image that he had never seen before.

He reached out grabbing the frame and held it in front of him. He instantly recognized a younger version of the girl he had taken interest on. His faced quickly turned sour at the sight of the image before placing it back to where he had gotten it from.

Bakugou contemplated whether he should stay in her room. A couple of minutes has gone by and decided against it. Light sigh escaped his mouth before heading over towards the door, putting his slipper on.

With that, the knob turned with the blonde escaping out the door.

In the corner of the image, stood a brunette girl reaching her hands out to take the selfie. Attach to her back was the familiar blonde with a black lightning imprinted across his hair. And just a couple of feet away from them stood a young white haired girl, smiling gleefully at the camera.

Nearly out of frame was her hand embraced with someone else's, which almost had gone unnoticed. A dark haired figure, a little taller than the girl, stood closely to her. A genuine smile plastered across his face while staring at the girl he held hands with.

Author's note:
Hey y'all ˘̩̩̩˘̩̩̩ so.... I honestly do not know where i'm going with this book. I had some plot planned but then I realized it didn't make sense sooo I ditched that and came up with this instead. But now I'm having trouble trying to figure out how the "new plot" is going to play out ((≡))

Like I don't know how to incorporate this new event with her issues lmao (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩_-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) Soooo it's going to take another century for me to possibly update. Also ahhh i'm cringing at myself. Y'all this book was badly written. It moved so fast and Bakugou was so out of character (i'm sorry y'all). Mind you, I wrote this before I had actually finished watching the first season so it didn't make any sense. Yikes I know (*꒦ິ꒦ີ) sue me.

Anyways when I finish this book (if that ever happens) i'll go back and fix all the spelling errors and gramma, along with the story line so it isn't moving too fast. THAT BEING SAID! I have not gone back to edit any of my spelling errors and grammar. Sorry (') please don't be to harsh to me.

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