I do

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5 years later...

"Hey!" My colleague says to me, I turn around and smile at her. "Morning,how are you?" I ask her,she thinks for a second and opens her mouth. "I could be better,you?" "Yeah I'm fine thanks! Have you seen my boyfriend?" I inquire. She shakes her head,where could he be? I walk over to the surgical room to check for him,he's not there. I walk out and to the waiting room,the reception. Nowhere to be seen.
I grab my phone from my pocket,it's an anonymous message. "Meet me at BeachGrills if you want to see your boyfriend. NO POLICE!" I chuckle,some teenager is probably saying this.
"Stop laughing,someone is tracking you. Do as I say if you want him ALIVE," my eyes shoot out of my head.My shift is over anyway,I check out of the hospital and run out. I run to my car,my new Tesla waiting for me. I unlock it and get in,I punch in BeachGrills into the gps and make the car auto drive. "Fuck what have you gotten yourself into?" I whisper,the car is already going slow. I take control and go faster,it reminds me to slow down. NOT TODAY.

I'm pulling up,I want to park away from the place just incase. I park in about a street away and sigh. "Park closer and come down to the beach." The anonymous texter says. I take off my id,any proof of who I am. Remembering to take my house key,self defence. It's super small and sharp. I come out of the car and then lock it. I take a sigh and walk down the beach. As I do,I'm presented a table,a nice candle lit. Also a person instead of one of the chairs. They have a black trash can liner on them,not showing who it is. I walk over,look to my hands which are digging into the sharp key. "Hello?" I say,there is a note on the table. I grab it and open it.
"Hello Heaven,it's us; Anonymous. This is a human,someone you love.Rip off the trash can liner to show who."
I take a big sigh and cut off the liner. It's him! Kneeling down,on one knee. "Will you marry me?" Adam asks me. I feel tears come out and I nod. "Yes,of course I will!" I scream,he walks over and puts the ring on my finger. Followed by one deep kiss,Will runs over. "Enough kissing guys!" He exclaims. I smile at him and nod. "So your the anonymous one!" We all laugh,including mom who was recording too. "I love you," I say in Adams ear.

"We are gathering here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments,and cherish the words which will unite Heaven and Adam as one. They both want to speak a few words." The preist says,we're not religious but we needed one. "I am so greatfulk for you. As you all may now,I used to have a heavy heavy addiction to narcotics and alcohol. One day Heaven saved me,made our relationship what it is. I knew from that day I wanted to wake up next to her. I wanted kids with her. I knew she was the one,the one in my heart. I'm very fortunate for her,the little things she does. Her smile,the one thing that attracted me to her first. Our relationship helped me create a better one with some certain people who u didn't believe I would be talking to now. So I want this day as a token of thanks to my now beautiful wife. I love you Heaven." The words coming from him,the way he's not reading off of a sheet warms me. My lover,in front of me. I clear my throat form all the tears and start, "Adam,you were once my secret lover. I remember hiding you from mom and Will,hoping they wouldn't come in. I know that Will hated when we would kiss or hug or anything. I knew I loved it,love it. Your smile,your eyes,your hair and your body. They were all made for me,as mine for you. I didn't believe it would even happen but my dream has come true. If I know anything about dreams,you are my dream. I love you,my secret lover,once an enemy." I didn't read this off of a paper. I said it to him,directly to him,crying.
"Marriage is the promise between two people who love each other,who trust in that love and honour each other. Who choose to want to spend that love in each other. The love between you will bring greater joys.Adam Stevenson,do you take Heaven Smith to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asks him,Adam nods. "I do," I smile st him. "Heaven Smith do you take Adam Stevenson to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asks me. "I do." I smile st him,smiling with my teeth. "I may now pronounce you husband and wife,you may now kiss the bride." I smile and Adam takes my lips to his,a kiss not like any other. This kiss is amazing,like he has been practising all his life to kiss me. Like I've been doing,all my life.

thank you so much for reading my book! I had so much fun writing and I hope you had fun reading. If you made it this far make sure to vote. I hope you enjoyed the ending! Would you do anything different?

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