Prom Day

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I'm glad we applied the face mask the other day,it kept my skin good and clean. I've just woken up,it's around 6:45 am. Adam is still snoring,lying down next to me,his hand around me. I slide out from under and place a pillow in my space. I kiss his forehead and wander outside of my room. I grab a bowl and start to prepare breakfast in bed for him. I grab the pancake ingredients and whisk them in the bowl,by the time I finish it's 7:15. I start to make the eggs whilst finishing up the last pancakes.

I steadily stroll over to my bedroom,to Adam who's still in bed. His perfect body is out of the cover and is now being hit by the early morning sun. He looks like a Greek god,the way his body is laid down in front of me. His right arm behind his head,making his biceps bulge. His hair is perfectly set,as if he's been styling them. "Oh hey- why did you make breakfast?" I smile,sit next to him as he caresses me. "I did it because your the best boyfriend and you need to rest to look sexier at prom." I smirk at him,he smirks back and bites his lip. "Well,the same goes for you. You need to look so hot,more than already." He tells me,I'm not sure if it's a compliment so I just give a nice smile. "Okay,let's get some food in our system then." I say,getting comfy next to him.

"Go get ready then." Adam says,smacking my ass. I smirk and run off to take a shower. I strip from my hello kitty pj's. I grab my body scrub,shampoo and conditioner. The cold water hits my head,I scrub my hair to let the water flow in all over. I apply shampoo,rinse.

I'm now out of the shower,I'm drying my body off. I grab my comb and comb out my wet hair. My hair dries off quickly so I don't have to worry about blow drying. I am supposed to straighten it but I'm not that keen.

"Let's do your makeup then." The stylist says,I hate caking my face up but only today I will. "How long is this supposed to take?" I ask her,after looking at my watch. It's currently 10am and prom starts at 12pm. "Yeah it should take around about 1 hour,we don't need to make you look like a cake." She tells me,brushing my hair out. "Honey,if your not comfortable we can do less make up." My mom says,I shake my head slowly,trying to not to mess my hair up. "Okay whatever you want okay?" Mom adds,I smile at her and nod.

I grab my phone and unlock it,I sit up straight and look at the message.
"Don't mess your hair up love." I smile,his least favourite thing is when I change myself.
"I won't,I'll try not to :)"
"Hey,no messing around here. I still want the same sexy hair as before."
"Okay ;)"
"Okay bye Heav ;)"
I smile and lock my phone again. "That your boyfriend?" She asks me,I nod. "What's he look like?" She asks,applying eye stuff. "I'll show you," I try and find the best looking picture,one you can see him with. "Here," I show her a picture of him lying on my bed,smiling st me. "Aww bless,he's so cute." She gets out of her. I smile at her and receive my phone. "Yeah,he's a good guy." I tell her,she's not hitting on my boyfriend by the way,she has kids and a husband and she's like 35.

"Thank you," I say to the stylist,walking out of the store. Mom pays and I walk to the car. I'm in my dress now,she got me all done up so I could go straight there. "Adam is supposedly taking me." I tell my mom,she nods and starts her car. "I'll just tell him I'm coming with you,he's probably waiting at home." I add,getting in before driving off. I pay close attention on the road,making sure I don't see him on his bike at all.

I arrive home and walk inside,I get greeted by Blue,he's running around the place. "Calm down blue!" I exclaim which startled him but he does calm down. "Adam?" I inquire for him,he's nowhere around. I pick up my phone and dial his phone.

"You have reached the voicemail of Adam Stevenson." The odd robot tells me. I hang up and go to my bedroom,I look at myself in the mirror. The dress is a sort of burgundy,it's really nice and to the shape of my body. I get startled by a honk from outside. I walk out and I'm greeted by my boyfriend,he's smiling and his hand out for me. "Hey darling," he aays,kissing my hand. "That's a nice car." I tell him,he chuckles. "You like it?" He says,I nod. He rented the same car on our date,it's simple jeep. "Come on,let's get this prom started."

We both walk in hand in hand. Everyone around us making lots of gasps,the attention is not new to the two of us. "Let's get some drinks," he whispers,noticing my uneasy self. The guy serves us fruit punch,kind of weird but we both drink it. "If I haven't told you already you look handsome." I tell him,kissing his cheek. "Well,you look even more stunning than I do handsome." I smile at him and throw the cup in the bin. "Omg it's our song!" Adam exclaims,he asked the Dj to play this song. I recognise it straight away, night changes-one direction. If you can't tell I have an obsession with them. We both walk into the middle of the "dance floor" and start. He grabs my hip and I wrap my arms around his neck. We sway side to side before he circles me around once,returning back to swaying. His hand is still on my waist and mine around him. "I love you," we both mutter,chuckle and sway again. This time he drops me lower into a kiss. Everyone around us stops and watches. The Dj stops the music. "We have our prom king and queen." Everyone gasps and me and Adam look at each other. "It is Adam Stevenson and Heaven Smith!" The Dj exclaims,we both open our eyes wide and kiss. We walk over to the throne,hand in hand. We both bow and take our tiara and crown. We place it on our heads and kiss. "Yeah!" Everyone screams,wooing for us. We sit down and smile at each other. "I love you,happy anniversary."

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