Part 8 How?

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 I woke up I was somewhere else. It was a basement apartment and I was laid in a soft cosy bed a large window to my side and the door open noises coming from the other side, I got up and fixed my dress as I still had it in from the day before, messing with my hair a little walking out into the apartment

"Ey, sonnaya golova?" He laughs turning to face me with his coffee in his usual jeans and a flowery robe

"Hey, where are we?" I asked

"New York. I drove though I didn't see the point of stopping especially given you fell asleep in my car" He explained "So I just drove home"

"I thought I was sleeping in the living room?" I asked

"Yeah well the bed was already made and I had to make the airbed so I threw you on the bed and made the airbed up for me" He shrugs

"You threw me?"

"Its an expression" he laughs "I didn't throw you y/n relax" He laughs giving me a kiss "Coffee?"

"No thank you. I don't drink coffee" I explained finding my bag and quickly taking my pills for the day, as soon as I swallowed them I stood my usual poses I do every morning

"Permission to say something that might seem rude?" he asks

"Uhh okay" I said as I stretched my leg up in my usual ballet pose

"Damn. I mean.. holy shit. Is it weird that watching you do ballet poses.... Is kinda giving me a Bonner?"



"Don't say that..."

"this is why I asked y/n" he says "You do this every morning?" He asked as I touched my toes

"Yes" I said holding the backs of my ankles

"How long can you stay in those Ballet poses?"


"just uhh... Curious."

"wanna see a cool one?" i giggled

"... yes" he answered I smiled and moved my leg up so my foot was above my head as straight as I could get it "..... uuuhhh" He says stareing at me with that dumb open mouth look again

"Yes Benny?" I smiled

"Fuck.... How the fuck do you do that! Barbie can't fucking pose like that!" he says "How are you doing that, like seriously I wanna do that"

"You can't benny" I smiled containing

"WHy not?" he asks

"It requires a life time of stretching and getting your body to do that alot of training. also I'm not sure how well it would go with... a dick"

"There are males ballerina's how do you think they do it?"

"True" I shrug "Can You do the thing with your feet?" I laughed getting on my toes in my little shoes

"AAAH! How does that not hurt you!"

"It does, You learn to ignore it" I explain "or get your ankles broken five times by the time your nine" I explained

"That is not humanly possible" He says coming to stand with me attempting to also do it "Feet aren't meant to do that!" He argues "why did you have Ballet training if they wanted you to be a chess player?"

"Moscow doesn't like you to have one function. If chess didn't work I needed a back up, that and it keeps you thin, in shape and my mind working. I used to do both when I was little" I laughed

"what like... Ballet while playing chess?"

"Yep. I still do sometimes, when I practice chess I sit or stand in poses It helps me think" I explain

"Chess Playing Ballerina? Awww that's so cute" He smiled giving my head a kiss "Now show the how the fuck I'm meant to do that with my feet"

"Go on your toes benny" I laughed

"My toes don't do that"

"Come here" I laughed holding his hands so I could take his weight "Now go up on your tip toes" I explain and he does his best "And then move to the like end of the toes" I laughed

"That's not possible?"

"Well I can do it" I smiled

"Okay... Is that right?" he asks and he was kinda half doing it

"Yeah well done Benny" I smiled but he clearly moved to far forward and fell over into me and pushed us both to the floor

"Ohh fuck! sorry y/n!"

"Its okay benny" I laughed as we laid on each other on the floor of his apartment

"So... You come here often princess?" he smirked his arms either side of my head him hovered over me

"What your floor? No benny I do not come here often"

"Well you should. You look nice here" He smirked

"Do I?" I laughed

"You do, You should come lay on my floor more often?" He smirked giving my lips a kiss and continuing to kiss down my neck

"Ahhh benny!" I complained as he was ticking me with his kisses pushing him off me "Speed chess?"

".... uhhhh. Yes I would like that" He smiled widely getting off me and helping me up

"But first I need a shower"

"She's all yours y/n, I'm going to get dressed" he says kissing my head indicating over to the small shower across the room before he went into his bedroom shutting the door.

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