Just A Dream #6

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     I walk out of the dormitory and meet Draco at the library. 

    "Hey." I say to him, walking up to him and giving him a hug, not letting him go. 

    "Hey Liz." We look at each other and lean forward, until our lips touch. We kiss for a few seconds before he leans back a bit and rests his forehead on mine. We stare into each other's eyes. He has the most beautiful eyes. They remind me of the ocean. His eyes light up and he pulls me outside of the library. 

    We run outside, into the Forbidden Forest, and hug. I lay my head on his shoulder and we start swaying to the non existent music. That's when the rain starts. It's pouring rain, but both of us don't even seem to notice. I lift my head off his shoulder and stare into his eyes again. He had water dripping off his hair onto his face. I'm sure I'm soaked too, but it doesn't matter. All that matters right now is his eyes. His perfect, beautiful, eyes.

     I slowly open my eyes and see Hermione staring back at me. 

    "Gosh 'Mione! You scared me!" I look at her with an annoyed expression. She just laughs at my attempt to be rude. 

    "Sorry Liz." She says with a shrug, and walks away. 

    "Get your flat, little tushie over here, Hermione Granger!" I yell. She turns around with her hands above her head like I'm gonna arrest her. 

    "You are going to explain right now, what you were doing." I say, grabbing her waist and pulling her onto the bed. My arms tightened around her and she was stuck. 

    "Ok! Fine! It's actually really simple, Elizabeth, there's no need for whatever this is!" I give her a dirty look. Everyone in the room was looking at us now. 

    "You were smiling in your sleep and I thought it was cute." Oh no. That was the weirdest dream I had ever had. I've hated this person the past three years, ever since I met him, and now I'm having dreams about him? It's almost like I have feelings for him. Could I have feelings for him? No, I can't. Even if I did, it wouldn't matter. He's rude to everyone, including me and my friends. And I can't get my heart broken. I can't get hurt.

         She's told me I sleep talk before. And I don't want her to hear what I was thinking. 

       "I don't have class until later today, do you?" I ask Hermione, trying to change the subject.  

     "No. What were you thinking about when you were sleeping? And why weren't you here last night?" Hermione asks, changing the subject back. I found it funny how the answer to both of the questions are the same. Draco Malfoy. 

     "I don't remember what I was thinking about! Probably Halloween or something. And I was studying." I lie. 

    "Yeah, sure you were. 'Cause the library closes at 1 in the morning! What were you actually doing?" Great. She read right through me. 

     "Fine. I went for a walk." I lied again. I hate lying to Hermione, but I can't tell her what actually happened. Then I would have to explain the kiss, and what he said, and Hermione would want to know all of the details. I can tell she still doesn't believe me, but she lets it slide. 

     "Whatever. Let me go! I want to go get breakfast or something before class." I realized I was still holding her onto the bed. I released her from my grip and stood up to get ready. I put on a black skirt, with a white long sleeved shirt, and my Gryffindor tie. I walked to the bathroom and put my hair in a messy bun. I walked out the dorm with Hermione, and we headed down to the Great Hall. 

    We walked to a seat and started piling food on our plates.

     "Where's Harry and Ron? Ron wouldn't miss breakfast for the world." I ask Hermione. 

    "Probably sleeping in. It's only 7 o'clock. There's still 3 hours left of breakfast." She told me. I had no idea it was that early. 

    "Oh, ok. Wanna do something after breakfast?" I ask her, expecting an 'I'm actually busy studying' and that's exactly what I got. 

    "Sorry Liz, I'm studying with Luna in the library until class, but you can come with us?" I don't really want to study if I'm being honest. All my grades are fine, and I don't want to study any more than I have to.

     "Thanks 'Mione, but I think I'll find something else to do. Maybe I'll go for another walk or something." 

     "If you're sure." She says with a look on her face that told me she felt bad. 

     "No, really Hermione, don't feel bad." I assure her. She looks a little relieved. We finish eating and then head our separate ways. 

     Instead of going outside for a walk, I go to the common room to see if the boys are up yet. It's 8:04, and they're usually up by this time. When I get the the Fat Lady painting, someone's waiting there already. It's Draco. Once he sees me, his face turns pink and he turns to walk away. What's with everyone and walking away today? Dear Merlin. 

     "Hey, Malfoy. What's up?" I ask, before he can get too far. He turns around and acts surprised, like he just saw me. 

     "I was just gonna ask if you wanted to go for a walk, but Seamus refused to let me in." Seamus really wasn't allowed to let him in, so I'm not mad. I guess I have nothing better to do. 

     "Sure, let's go." I say, and wait for him to catch up with me before going to the doors. We walk outside towards the lake, where we were yesterday. We sit down on the same bench, and neither of us talk, but it isn't awkward, it's just quiet. 

     I look up at Draco, and he's staring back. This feels right. I lean in, and he leans in as well. I close my eyes, and our lips touch. I put my hand on the back of his head, and he puts his on my cheek. I move my hand into his blonde hair and the kiss gets deeper. This feels perfectly right, like this is what is supposed to happen. 

     But it can't. I wont let it happen. I pull back. "Draco, I'm sorry." I run back into the forest.

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