It'll be Okay #14

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     "I told them." I say, trying to hold in my tears. He pulls me into a hug and rubs my back. 

     "Ok, what happened? Why are you crying?" I hate crying in front of him. 

    "Ron hates me." I say, balling. 

    "Shhhh, shhhh, he doesn't hate you." He whispers in my ear. He pulls away and looks in my eyes. He puts his hand on my cheek and rubs away the tears. 

    "He does hate me. Why am I so stupid?" I look at him for an answer. 

    "You're not stupid Elizabeth. Don't say that." He says, still looking into my eyes. I nod, then stand up, pulling myself out of his grasp. He stands up almost immediately after. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me onto the bed. I roll the other way and lay down on my side, my back to him, and he cuddles up to me. He puts his arm on my waist and rests his head on my shoulder. I can feel his warm breath on my neck. 

    "It'll be okay." He assures me, and I let out a sigh. A tear falls down my cheek, and I slowly start to feel fatigue. I let the tiredness take over and I close my eyes.

    I slowly open my eyes, and see a stone wall in front of me. I look down and also see emerald green sheets. Then I remember that I'm in Draco's dorm. He's still laying with me, in the same position. I turn my head slightly and he's asleep. I stay still, trying not to wake him, but check my watch sneakily. It's 11:23, so I've been here for a few hours. 

    After a few minutes, I feel him move his head a bit. 

    "Hey sleepyhead." I say to him, and he smiles a little smile at me. 

    "Hey darling." He answers back, and I smile at that. It felt weird him calling me that, but I liked it. He saw me as something fragile, that he had to take care of. 

    I roll over and look him in the face, then kiss him softly on the lips. He puts a hand on my back, and a hand on the back of my head. I wrap my arms around his neck. He deepens the kiss, and starts running his hands through my hair. He pulls me closer, but after a few seconds I pull away. I needed to talk to Ron. He seemed to understand that, and stood up. 

    "Let's go find him." He says to me, looking annoyed. I'm sure he was just annoyed at Ron, but I didn't like him being mad. I stand up and slide my hand into his. We walk to the Gryffindor common room. I mutter the password, and we both enter. Everyone in the room was staring daggers at him. He seemed annoyed, but he shrugged it off, for my sake.

     I scan the common room, and don't see the trio. I took a quick peek into the boys dormitory, and he wasn't there either, but I did get some glares from other boys in there. 

    "Sorry." I say to them, my cheeks red, and turn around. Where would Ron go? Maybe he's having lunch in the Great Hall. 

    We usually skip lunch for classes, but on weekends he would go. We walk to the hall and he's not there either. 

    "He'll come to you when he's ready, don't worry about it." Draco says as he squeezes my hand. "Come on, let's go for a walk." He says, and turns toward the door. 

    I follow him and don't say anything. We walk for a bit and end up back at the bench we go to every time. We sit down and I lay my head on his shoulder. Does Ron really hate me? I know he doesn't approve of Draco, but would he actually hate me for that? 

    I stare out into the lake, hoping something would tell me he didn't hate me, but I couldn't find anything. What was I expecting? A lightning bolt out of nowhere? Of course not, think straight Liz. 

    I shift my eyes to the right a little bit, towards the quidditch stadium, when I see it. 

    Hermione, Ron, and Harry all swimming in the lake. I let out a gasp and Draco looks that way as well. 

    "I'm gonna kill them." I hear Draco mutter. They were all laughing and splashing each other. Ron jumped on Harry's back and almost knocked him over. I lose it and start balling. 

    Draco stands up and drags me into the forest. I just walk with him, not caring about anything except for that they were all together, like nothing even happened. 

   Suddenly, Draco lets go of my hand and bends over. He's pulling up a hatch. We're at the place he took me when it was raining. He pulls out his wand and lights it up, and I crawl down, tears still flowing out of my eyes. I don't even bother to find somewhere to sit, I just collapse to the floor, a little beside the ladder. Draco just sits beside me and hums. It sounds like a pretty lullaby, but I've never heard it before.    

    After a little while of crying, I calm down a bit thanks to Draco's humming. I stand up and walk to the bed. I sit down and start playing with my hands. 

    After a few seconds, Draco stands up and walks over to the bed. He sits down next to me. 

    "Just can't stay away from me, huh?" I ask, in a joking manner. 

    "Oh shut up." He says with a little bit of a laugh as he shoves me. 

   "Oh we're on!" I say, and attempt to push him off the bed. 

    He's too fast, and wraps his arms around my waist from behind. He stands up, picking me up with him. He spins me around until I'm facing him. My feet are hanging off the ground, and I wrap my legs around him for support. He still towers over me even though I'm being picked up, and looks down at me, a smug look on his face. 

    "I think I won, don't you agree?" He asks, and I decide it's time to get him back for the book thing. 

    "Okay, okay, you win. Put me down now." I say, and smile up at him. He puts me down, and I run towards the ladder. He looks at me in confusion for a second, and then realises what I'm doing. 

    He runs toward the exit as well, but it's too late, I'm already half way up. I climb as fast as my little legs can, and I run into the forest. He's close behind, and I know he'll catch me in a matter of seconds, but I want to be able to tease him about this.

    "Get back here!" He yells from behind me. I speed up and zigzag around trees to slow him down. After a few seconds of running, he catches up, just like I thought he would. He grabs me from behind and I'm trapped. 

    "You're delusional if you think I'm letting you go now." He says, and I can feel his hot breath on my collarbone. 

    "That's not a problem, ferret boy!" I say, and stick my tongue out at him. He glares at me in a playful way, and squeezes me tighter. I laugh at his reaction. He turns me around so that I'm looking at him now. 

    "You know you have the prettiest eyes?" He says, staring at my face. 

    "So that's why you're always staring at me, you think I'm pretty. Wish I could say the same for you." I joke, and he glares again. 

    "That's not what the amortentia said." He said, and I roll my eyes. 

    "Oh shut up." I say to him, and hit him on the arm. He smirks at me, then leans in and our lips collide.

Forbidden Love; Draco Malfoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now