Broken? #11

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    I let go of his hand as we enter the doorway. We walk to our seats together. I look over at him. 

    "Thanks." I say, blushing a bit. 

    "Anytime." He says with a cocky smirk. I'm never gonna loose his cockiness completely. 

    "So, we don't have detention anymore, now I have to lie to them that I'm not with you." I say to him, hoping he'll say something that helps. He puts his hand on my thigh. 

    "It'll be okay. You can tell them." He says to me. I know he's not pressuring me to tell them, but it sure does feel like it. 

    "Will you help me? You know, when I tell them?" I ask. I know he'll say yes, but hearing it might make me feel better. 

    "Of course I will, but only when you're ready to tell them." He rubs my thigh in a soothing way. 

    "Ok." I say, my voice cracking from me almost crying. 

    "Hey, hey, it's okay. Don't cry." He takes my hand now and rubs it between his. The tears in my eyes go away, and I'm embarrassed with how much I cry with him. I've continues rubbing my hand until Snape comes in. 

    "Today we will be ready the chapters on Felix Felicis. Also know as Liquid Luck. Next lesson we will make Liquid Luck, and one person will get a vial of it. Open your books to page 197, and read the next three chapters." I pull out my potions book and start reading quietly. After a few minutes of reading, I turn my head slightly and notice Draco watching me. 

    "You're not gonna get any work done if you're just staring at me." I whisper to him. 

    "I know." He whispers back. 

    "Doofus." I whisper, and roll my eyes as I go back to reading. I hear him chuckle at my comment.  

    After what feels like ages of reading, Snape dismisses the class. I can walk to herbology with Draco, because the rest of the trio doesn't have it. 

    I spend extra time picking up my books so they wouldn't notice, and Draco did as well. We started walking through the halls together, taking the back way out the school so no one sees us. 

    "Did you even read anything in class?" I ask him, hoping he'll say yes. I don't wanna be the reason he gets bad grades. 

    "I'll read it later." He says, shrugging it off. I hit him in the arm with one one my books. 

    "I'm not gonna be the reason you get bad grades Draco Malfoy!" I hit him again. 

    "Ok, ok, no need to kill me! And you know Snape would never fail me." He says with an arrogant smirk. I hit him again. 

   "Ok, I'm taking these," He pulls the books out of my hands, "and I'll read as soon as I have free time, I promise." He looked sincere enough. 

    "Fine, but can I at least have my books back?" I ask, reaching for my books. 

   "I think I'll keep these for now." He says, as he starts running. I chase after him. 

    "Draco Malfoy! Get over her this second!!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I get close enough to touch him, so I jump as hard as I can onto his back. I hang onto his back like a monkey, and he slowed down. 

    "Ok, ok, you win." He says, and slows to a stop. I jump off and hold my hands out for my books, but he turns and runs the other way. 

    "Hey that's cheating!" I yell, chasing after him again. 

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