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I get out the car still shaking and see JJ fling him onto the floor and punches into him. "What the FUCK Harrison?!" Jen runs towards me and shakes her head. "JJ?" As my whole body burns up I feel myself not being able to catch my breath. Jen looks at JJ as Harrison pushes him off him. "She enjoyed it!" Harrison looks JJ up and down. "Probably the best time of her life!" Jen looks over and shakes her head. "JJ!" He looks over and shakes his head. "What?!" She looks at me and nods. "She is having a panic attack!" JJ runs towards me and nods. "Breath April!" Harrison looks in shock and shakes his head. "That isn't going to work dumbass!" JJ looks at him and scoffs. "Why are you still here!?" Jen looks at me and smiles softly. "Come on April, breath in and out!" I still hear the car speeding and the noise blocks them out. I look over as Harrison walks towards me. "I know what will do the trick!" He grabs my waist and kisses me.

Jen holds JJ back and shakes her head when she realises I start breathing again. Harrison smirks at me and nods firmly. "Are you ok?" I nod nervously and smile. "Yeah." JJ pushes past Harrison and wraps his jacket around me. "Let's get you home." I nod agreeing and follow him towards his car. I look back towards a bruised-up Harrison as I get into JJ's car and see such sorrow in his eyes. I take a deep breath and shake my head before laying back and and sinking into the passenger seat. "Are you ok?" I look at JJ and smile softly. "I'm ok." He rubs my arm and smiles. "Good." He hands me some water and sighs. "You want me to drive you home?" I shake my head and smile nervously. "Jen drove so will be easier for me to go with her since we are going same house." He nods agreeing and smiles. "Ok but text me when you get home?" I nod agreeing and give him his jacket back. "Goodnight JJ." I get out the car and walk towards Jen. I walk towards Jen and Spenser speaking and smile. "Are you ready?" She smirks and nods agreeing. "Meet you at the car?" I look at Spenser and nod firmly. "Ok." She flings me the car keys and I slowly walk towards the car park.

As I open the car door I hear footsteps running run behind me. "April wait!" I turn around and see Harrison. I look towards the floor unable to look at his bruised eye and bloody lip. "What?" He hands me some cash and shakes his head. "Please don't tell anyone about this?" I scoff and look at him. "I wasn't going to?" He shrugs and places the money towards me still. "Maybe you should use that money for a taxi home and some ice?" He rolls his eyes and sticks it back into his wallet. "I don't do taxi's." A car horn beeps and I look over and see Annabelle. "Of course you don't." I scoff and get into the car. "Goodnight Harrison." He places his hand on my shoulder and shakes his head. "Wait, what?" I shrug and move my arm. "What?" He scoffs and looks towards Annabelle. "Me and Annabelle are just friends?" I shrug and scoff. "That is none of my business but nice to know." I get into the car and lock the doors behind me.

After a few minutes Jen walks towards the car and I unlock it. "Are you ok?" take a deep breath and nod agreeing. "I'm ok." She starts the car and smiles. "How about we go get some milkshakes?" I smirk and nod agreeing. "That sounds perfect." I pick my bag up and smile as I spot the card for the Manchester's BBQ tomorrow. I show Jen it and laugh nervously. "I'm going to have to see him tomorrow?" She shrugs and looks at it. "Don't go?" I shake my head and place it back into my bag. "I already told Mr and Mrs M I would." She smirks and shakes her head. "I still can't believe the most respected and wealthiest family in Queenstown let you call them Mr and Mrs M." I shrug and grab my Vaseline. "They are cool people." I apply it and stick it back into my bag. "I will just need to take your word for it." I shrug and laugh nervously. "Why don't you come tomorrow and see?" She scoffs and shakes her head. "I'm good thanks." I pet my bottom lip and lean towards her. "For me?" She sighs and nods firmly. "Fine!" I sit up and smirk. "We need to go shopping though because only the best dresses will do for the rich." I smirk and clap my hands. "Shopping?!" She nods agreeing. "I will call my brothers girlfriend and see if she will keep her shop open an hour late."

As we pull up outside the shop I raise my eyebrows. "This place looks proper posh?" Jen rolls her eyes and scoffs. "My family are rich." She gets out the car and shrugs. "Now let's go." I follow her towards the shop laughing nervously. "What?! Then why do you work in a café?" She opens the door and smirks. "I said my family are rich, not me." I walk in and she follows. "I wanted to go out and make my own money." I smile softly and look around. "So will your family be there tomorrow?" A girl walks out from the back of the store and waves. "Probably." Jen waves at her as she walks towards us. "Now let's go find you the perfect dress for tomorrow."

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