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After kissing for a few minutes he places his hand around my waist and lifts me onto his lap. I smirk and continue to kiss him. I look the door open and I look over. "You have got to be kidding me?!" I see Harrison trying to hold his balance with a bottle of beer in his hand. "What the fuck is going on here?!" I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Go away Harrison." I get up and walk towards the bathroom. "I don't think so." He runs towards JT and they both fall onto the floor.

JT manages to get on top of Harrison and pins him down. "Stop embarrassing yourself Harrison and go home." JT moves off him and walks towards me. "Are you ok?" I nod agreeing and he runs his hand down my hair. "Good." I look over towards Harrison and he smirks. "So this is it? You pick HIM?" I shake my head and look towards the floor. "Go home Harrison." He steps forward but JT places his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him. "You heard her, leave." Harrisons eyes lock onto JT's hands and he smirks. "Whatever." He shrugs and drinks the rest of his beer. "I'm going to Annabelle's." I scoff and shake my head. "And THAT is the reason it's not your hands wrapped around her body, she isn't a prize or an object." Harrison smirks and looks at JT. "What did you say?" JT places his hand on my hip. "Just go Harrison." He scoffs and before I know it I see him fling his empty beer bottle at us and the next thing I know my blood goes everywhere as the bottle hits off the wall making it smash and hits my face.

Harrison's face drops and he runs towards me. "April?" JT catches me and holds my tightly. "Your dead!" JT lets me go after I find my balance again and punches Harrison making him fall. He looks at me and shakes his head with a sad puppy look in his face. "I am so sorry." JT gets on top of him and shakes his head. "You EVER touch her again it will be the last thing you will feel." He punches him again and I look around. "Why is the room spinning?" JT looks over and quickly stands up. "Wow!" He catches me as I lose my balance. "I'm right here." He looks over towards Harrison as he runs out the door. "I got you."

He places me on the bed and smirks. "That is going to be quiet a bruise." I shrug and touch my face. "Is it that bad?" He smirks and goes into the bathroom. "I'm sure with an icepack it will be fine." He grabs the first AID kit and texts someone on his phone as he walks towards me. He sits beside me and smirks. "Now let me get you looking like the prettiest girl in the world again." I smirk and kiss him. "Thank you." He smiles softly and looks towards the door. "Just in time." I look over and see Jen and JJ with an ice pack and a bowl of water.

They both rush towards my side and look at my face in horror. "What happened?" JT takes the bowl of water and starts cleaning the blood. "Harrison happened." They look at the smashed bottle on the floor and JJ scoffs. "I'm going to kill him!" He stands up and JT smirks. "I already hit him pretty bad." JJ smirks and nods firmly. "Thank you man." JT looks into my eyes and smirks. "Anytime." He nods firmly and places the bowl of waster on the floor. "Now hold this on your face for as long as you can." He hands me an ice pack and I roll my eyes. "Yes dad." He kisses my cheek and stands up. "I will get this cleaned up and leave yous to it." I nod agreeing and he walks out the bedroom closing the door behind him.

JJ and Jen sit down looking at me. I scoff and shake my head. "What?" Jen rolls her eyes and shoves me softly. "Details? What happened and why?" I look towards the floor and smirk. "Harrison walked in on us kissing and then JT told him a few home truths and he got mad and flung the bottle and it smashed off the wall hitting my face." JJ looks at my cheek and smiles softly. "Did JT get him good?" I look towards the spot where JT had Harrison on the floor. "His blood is there for proof." Jen smirks and looks towards the door. "So do you like him?" I shrug and take the ice pack away. "I guess? He is very sweet and I like that he is protective but I'm not sure I want to be looking for someone right now?" I look towards the broken glass on the floor. "Especially when THAT is the drama and price that comes along with it." Jen stands up and smiles. "Let's go get a drink?" I laugh nervously and stand up. "Good idea."

The next hour Jen and JJ don't leave my side and they make it known if any boy comes over. I watch as boy walks towards us smirking. I look towards the floor and whisper under my breath. "Here we go." He stops and look at Jen and JJ. "Hey." I look up and smile softly. "Hi." He looks at me and shrugs. "I need a partner for beer pong so want to play some beer pong?" JJ laughs sarcastically. "Move along buddy." I roll my eyes and stand-up. "I would love to." Jen raises her eyebrow at me. "What?!" I roll my eyes and kiss her cheek. "As much as I love just sitting here with you two, I want to go play and have fun?" I walk towards the guy and wave at them. "Yous should try it sometime."

As I walk towards the back door with him I see them following us. I smirk and take the ping ball from him. "I'm April." I hold my hand out and he smirks. "I know, I'm Eric." I fling the ball and it goes into the cup. "Yes!" I double high-5 him and he smirks as the other person takes a drink. "Let's do this."

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