Chapter Four

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"Zoe! you need to come quickly!"

Eddie shouted seeing Rachel's eyes begin to flicker, like she was waking up, Zoe was out on the ward where Rachel was, she was attending other patient's when she heard Eddie shout her name, she finished her check up with Mrs.Turner who was an old lady who had been rushed in to the hospital in the early hours of the morning. Mrs. Turner had fallen door the stairs and had cut her head, it wasn't a serious cut but just for the safe side her son brought her in.

As it was a quick check up to see how she was after the fall, Zoe was pleased on how fast she was recovering, she was thinking of discharging her at lunch time, Eddie was still calling for her, as Rachel's breathing was gradually getting better.

"I'll be right there Eddie!" she said as she ran to Rachel's room.

"What's the problem Ed?" she asked him softly looking at him

"Its Rachel I think..." he paused was he was getting a little too excited that his best friend was finally coming out of the comma that she had been in "I..Think Rachel's waking up" he said softly

"Are you sure Ed?"

"Course I'm sure, Her eyes flicked like she was waking up"

Zoe nodded and looked over and seen it for herself, she walked over to her, and sat next to her taking Rachel's hand, Rach felt her take it and squeezed it a little. Zoe felt and looked at her, she just thought that she was feeling things as she was tired.

Rach squeezed her hand again this time a little harder than before, Zoe felt and looked at her, she was a little shocked as she felt someone squeezed her hand.

"Rach? Can you hear me?" Zoe asked softly

Rach didn't say anything and squeezed her hand again

Zoe felt her squeeze her hand again and then took hold of it so that Rach knew that she wasn't alone. Zoe looked at the heart monitor and saw that Rachel's heartbeat was going up a little every time.

Eddie was stood by the Incubator, his index finger was holding Robbie's little hand , Eddie smiled to himself thinking of all the times that him and Rach had, he was gently stroking his little head to. Eddie just wanted Rach to wake up as she was missing watching her baby boy group, and that she had something that she always wanted which was her own family.

Zoe didn't take her eyes off her in case Rach had tried to open her eyes, Zoe kept stroking her hand softly, she did take a look over at Eddie and smiled at him as she thought he was doing great by the way he was coping with what was going on.

As Zoe looked over at Eddie, Rachel's eyes had started to flicker a little bit when Zoe looked back over to her , her eyes stopped flickering. Zoe was getting more tired while she was watching her, she just wanted her to wake up soon as she missed talking to her big sister.

Rachel's eyes started to flicker again, this time Zoe was watching her, Zoe had a little smile on her face hoping that she was going to wake up soon as she was starting to slowly

"Come on Rach" she said quietly and paused for a second "You can do this"

Rachel's eyes flicked more and her heartbeat went up some more, Her grip was getting more tighter, Zoe didnt mind her squeezing her hand. Eddie looked over watching her to

"Is she waking up?"

Zoe looked over at him and smiled softly "Yeah, I think so Ed"

Eddie smiled "That's good"

"Yeah, but there might be some problems"

"What problems?"

"Well..." she paused taking a breath and sighed a little "She's been in a coma for so long that she might not remember anything that had happened"

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