Chapter 1

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Moji POV:

I rubbed my eye bags. I hadn't got much sleep the other night thanks to that dream. I yawned quite loudly, luckily I wasn't in class, but in my noisy high school hallway, where tons of alphas we're flirting with omegas or betas, which I always found amusing, since most of them got turned down immediately, or just shrugged off. 

But there was one particular alpha that I liked to be around; Danny Aoki. She had been my friend for a few years, she was pretty dumb, couldn't spell for her life, but it just mashed up with her great personality. She was protective of her friends ( which, apparently I was dragged into her friend group), and was very bold, always challenging the other alphas when they tried anything with any uninterested omegas. 

I was friends with a few among Danny's...odd group. 

Firstly, There was Oliver Sato. paw's loud and annoying, and also can't spell for paws life, but paw's also a nice person. We've had our funny moments, like when paw can't spell peanut butter, so paw said ''Penut buber.'' instead. 

Then there's Jacky Sato, who is apparently  ''married'' to Oliver, which seems cool...I guess? she's also nice, but also can be chaotic.

Now we have Twig Ota. Absolute chaos. That's it. (also a Mayo baby 

 I guess?).

Then we have Jari, she can be mean and loud, but they're overall okay.

Petra Tsukishima, a total simp. But also a very nice artist too...not as loud and chaotic as the others. 

Then we have Kil and Komi, Kil isn't very loud and doesn't talk as much as the other idiots. Komi is just as loud, but not louder than Oliver's annoying ass...


As I'm walking down the extremely noisy hallway, full of stupid alphas flirting with others, I see Danny and Oliver fighting. Typical.
''SHUT THE FUCK UP OLLIE!'' I held in a laugh as I walked up slowly.

 ''YOU SAID 'PEGNIS!' AHAHA!!!'' I heard Oliver's loud laugh, and couldn't help but start laughing myself. I heard their quarrel stop as they turned to look at me laughing, and as I looked up a saw Danny's face, mouth in an 'O' shape, and cheeks dusted red with embarrassment. 

I couldn't help but blush myself. How cute was that! my eyes widened and I shook my head as I thought about it, looking at my shoes. ''Yo you good there?'' I heard Oliver ask. I looked up at him nodding. He had finally got a haircut, and didn't have his hair all curly, but it was relatively fluffy. He was wearing his favorite hoodie tied around his waist, and wearing a saggy white shirt, and his camo themed backpack slung over his shoulder, his broken glasses uneven. 

''Push up your glasses, idiot.''

I turned to Danny, she was wearing nearly the same thing but had her jacket on, but her shirt was blue and a bit visible under the white jacket. Danny always brought a rolling case backpack thing, and I never knew why. But Ollie always tripped on it, Komi sometimes did too. 

I heard the bell ring and sighed, maths class was first. Damn it. I turned, seeing Twig run up to us in order not to be late..again. 

As we all sat down, I realized the teacher still wasn't here, and hadn't been for another 25 minutes. I looked to Oliver's desk and saw paw standing on and yell, ''AYO THE TEACHERS GONE! LETS GOOO!!'' I stifled a laugh as Danny joined in, followed by Twig, Komi and Jacky, who I didn't realize was here.

They were all yelling and messing around before the teacher walked in, ''Sorry that I'm la-'' 

Now we're in detention. Those idiot's. I turned my chair, looking at Danny...

I could feel my face heat up. Her hair ran down the chair as she wore a frown. Even when she was upset she was still cute.

I suddenly heard Twig messing with Oliver, poking him with a pencil. 

''Twig if you do that again-'' 

Oliver turned, grabbing Twig's pencil, starting a tug of war before it snapped from the pressure. 

I chuckled, and turned my head to see Danny smiling and heard her softly chuckling, and I suddenly felt my ears and face heating up.

''idiot..'' I chuckled. 

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