Chapter 4

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Moji POV:

I couldn't sleep last night. Not because of my Insomnia, but because Danny kissed me...Well, not exactly kissed, but whatever., you get it. 

Danny was still asleep, so I flicked her forehead to get her up.  ''Wake up, Danny phantom.''

''Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh five more minutes love...''

I blinked slowly before my face heated up, love? holy hell. I think this is the best day ever. But then I realized she was half asleep, so she barely knew what she was saying. Either way I was happy, I mean she Is still cute when she's sleepy. 

I got up, then grabbed a ruler, hitting her with it to wake her up. ''OW WHAT THE FUCK WHO-'' then she looked at me, and I simply spoke,

''Good morning, sleepy head.'' 

As we parted ways for class, and alpha cornered me. ''What do we have here? Moji, all alone. How cute.'' I looked up to see who it was, it was Ryder. An egoistic alpha who never left me alone until Danny came into the picture.

''What the hell do you want, Ryder.''

''You know what I want.'' he growled, grazing his teeth over my scent glands. I tensed up, but then raised my leg, kicking his ''nuts'', making him go wide eyed and fall on his knees, holding his crotch as I walked away to class, letting out a relived sigh.  

I told my teacher about the incident, and she let me off easy. I walked to my desk, Oliver sitting right in the desk beside me, messing with his pencil. I tapped his shoulder, and told him what Danny had said that morning.

Paw had giggled, saying; ''Oooo~ look's like your crush is-'' and I hit him with my pencil case, and he quietly said ow and started rubbing his head. 

After class, me and Danny planned to actually go to my house, before everyone said we should have a sleep over, and I just agreed, since the only time we really saw each other was in school.

When we all got to my house, we all set down our stuff and began starting playing board games, Danny being the champion of every one except monopoly, which was my thing. 

We started playing truth or dare out of boredom, and it was my turn to ask. ''Danny, truth or Dare.''


'' or text anyone in this room the person you like.''

I watched as she took out her phone, hitting a contact I didn't see, but we knew who got it because Jacky's phone made a ding! noise. 

Jacky whistled, turning off her phone after reading it, and looked at Danny snickering.

I wonder who it is... 

I sat and wondered who it was before Danny said that we should all go to bed, which i nodded quickly, yet knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep.

After everyone had changed, we all chose somewhere to sleep. Me and Danny lay on the couch, looking into each other eyes before she pulled me closer, resting her arms around me. I felt my face heat up, and I hugged her back, now we were basically cuddling. 

I started purring, letting out happy pheromones, and I saw Danny smile, pulling me closer, covering us with the blanket more as she fell asleep.

I slowly blinked my eyes closed.

All of the sudden, I was running down a hallway again. sobbing and distress pheromones' running through me as I was being chased down by the same creature from my last dream, and it eventually caught me, screeching in my ear, before the walls started shrinking again, closing in on us. I watched as the creature disappeared, leaving me to be crushed to death.

I opened my eyes in shock, sweating and panting. why does that dream keep it foretelling the future or something? I shook my head, trying to fall back to sleep. 

Of course its not! it..

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