Minho (Dumb Litty)

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SKZ One shot # 3

Minho X New Trainee Male Reader

Dumb Litty

3rd pov

Y/n flopped down on his bed, facing the comfortable bed as half of his body wasn’t even on the bed while he tried to pull himself up so that his whole body is on the bed, lying comfortably.

‘That was an embarrassment… ‘ Y/n faced the wall that was beside his bed as he sighed. If you didn’t know, Y/n basically embarrassed himself while introducing himself at the company he auditioned in, JYP. To cut the story short, He accidentally swore out loud

(cause y/n was talking to Haru who was like a year younger than him) without noticing his words until he got called out by JYPE himself.

Y/n’s ears burned up as he quickly dug his head back to the mattress while trying to forget what happened. “I Forgot we have practice for almost the whole day tomorrow.” Y/n groaned more as he turned his back against the mattress while he stared at the Ceiling.

Y/n just sighed as he placed his left arm on his forehead as he closed his eyes and probably slept peacefully once in a while.  


“WAKE UP BITCH!” Y/n shot up from his bed as his body accelerated forward, almost throwing him off the bed as he groaned while he rested his head on his palm that was on top of his leg.

“Wake up Y/n, RJ-hyung said that we leave in like 17 minutes.” Y/n didn’t even need to see who it was as he knew it was Haru (I know Haru is a female in my other stories, but lets make her a boy in this one )

Y/n waved his hand dismissively as he suddenly felt a pillow hit his left side as he fell on his right while hitting his head on the wall. “hurry up!” And with that, Haru left Y/n to prepare. Y/n got up from his bed and stretched his back making those popping noises.

Y/n walked over to his bathroom and did whatever he does.


After showering and changing into his daily clothes (Which included a white tank top under a Sleeveless maroon striped vest and black jeans and a pair of Black vans)

(like I said, I’m bad at descriptions). Y/n walked towards the stairs while carrying his bag for extra clothes. “Finally! RJ said that we were going to leave you if you didn’t hurry up!” Y/n heard Haru exclaim as Y/n just rolled his eyes and went over the group who was waiting. “Well, I’m here now, lets go”

The group soon left the dorms while chasing around each other, catching the attention of a few people on the streets. “Hey, stop your attracting Attention!” Y/n whisper-shouted at Haru and RJ who were fighting on who was a better superhero.

“It’s fucking Iron man you ungrateful bitch!”

“No its not! Captain America is better!”

Y/n just sighed as Ein patted his back as the 2 continued to bicker. “lets just let them be for now…” Ein Re-assured Y/n as the group of 4 continued to walk towards their 2nd day in JYP.


Once the group of 4 reached the building, Haru and RJ hasn’t stopped bickering about their differences from each other. “Alright, enough! We still have to practice for our debut! You 2 can fight all you want when we reach the dance room you’ve been attracting attention since we left the dorms!”

SKZ x Male Reader One shots ( requests open)Where stories live. Discover now