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Jungkook pov^

I was finally heading toward the Staple center, finally able to meet one of my favorite singer.

Manager Sejin was with me and i was so happy tonight! I've been seeing her as a role model for so long now.

I respect her a lot, she is a strong woman and i'm grateful to be able to meet her and i can't wait to tell her how important she has been for me.

« Let's go » said Manager Sejin. I walked toward the gate and saw a man with a cap, he smiled and approached us,

« Hi Jungkook » he said before hugging me,
« Scotter Braun » he added,

« Oh! nice to meet you » i replied,

« Let's go » We followed him, i stopped for a moment to get my bracelet and we finally sat down in the arena, it was still empty because we got here earlier. I was shaking in happiness.

« Hi man! » i heard a voice , then i saw three boy.

« Mikey, nice to meet you » he said shaking my hand,

« Scootie » said the other one with a huge smile,

Finally, « Tommy brown » said the last one,

« We are so happy to have you here! » said one of them, « The show is gonna start soon and she is ready so we should go » he added,

« Oh yeah yeah » i got up and followed them with Manager Sejin and the woman who will traduce for me.

We walked for a while and then a saw a tiny woman with big heels... okay she was right in front of me.

« Hiiiii » she said with her tiny voice, she ran toward me and hugged me gently, her outfit was pretty big.

« Nice to meet you » i said grabbing my ears as i felt them burning. I bowed down in respect.

« I'm so happy to have you here! » she said clapping her tattooed hands.

I can't stop smiling. She also hugged Manager Sejin before looking at me, i didn't knew what to do to be honest but she was so sweet that it didn't felt weird at all.

«Alfredo, nice to meet you » said a man with a camera in his hand, he hugged me and told me he was a big fan of us which made me smile harder.

I looked at my right and saw a man that i knew, he was colorful and came toward me. Oh yeah i remember when he interviewed us at the bbmas, that's her brother.

« Oh my god! » he said and hugged me. « I'm literally so happy right now ».

« Oohhh » i saw another man that i also know, he worked with Taehyung in Singularity, i hugged back and i felt so good. They were all so hyped and sweet.
I also saw her mother, i met her at the bbmas too.

I took a long inspiration and looked at the woman on my left, before looking at Ari. I can do it.

« I-lm very happy to be here tonight because i really like you » i said probably being red.

« Awww! I love you more, you guys are so fantastic » she replied,

« I'm really inspired by you » i added which made her smile harder, she hugged me and jumped.

« Thank you so much Jungkook, it's really important for me to see you here too » she added.

Ariana pov^

He was so cute with his bunny smile, it felt so magical, he was so sweet, literally perfect.

« In 15 minutes » said Roshad checking his watch,

The dancer gathered together, and i took Jungkook's hand and pulled him into the motivation circle because i know that he is such an amazing artist and he work with 6 other member so i wanted to make him feel at home, i wanted to make him feel like he was in security with us because he was alone and it can be stressful even when you are a big artist.

« I'm really thankful to be able to work with every one here. » i said,

« Let's give our best, we know what we can do together » added Scott,

« Exactly! let's work as a team » added Brian.

Then i heard an angelic voice, « Good luck » added Jungkook while smiling wildly.

I smiled at him and we all connected our hands,

« LETS GOOOOO! » we all screamed,

« Before you go let's take a picture » Alfredo reminded us,

I hugged him by the side, i saw him doing a peace sign so i also did it,

« Perfect ».

Jungkook pov^

I was feeling super happy, i felt confortable here. I came without any member so i was feeling stressed but she was very nice. That's why i love her.

She came toward me,

« Thank you so so so much for coming! » she said as the dancer crew cheered, they all clapped their hand, so did i. « I hope you will enjoy the stage »

« Yes » of course « Thank you!! » i saved my hand at them before hugging her one last time. Then i saw her running since she was about to get on stage.

I followed her manager and he took us to another place this time. We were in the pit.

Few minutes later i heard her singing a cappella, then they all got on stage, a table, representing statues. God is a woman.

Her whistler notes!

I want it I got it! I want it i got it!

After the two first part of the show, we headed toward another place because Scotter told her that she will sing in the middle a lot and fans will move a lot.
We were still really close to the stage.

Breathin and breathin and breathin and breathin!!

Why you have to be so cute...

I waved a peace sign because her manager was filming us.

I can't believe she had a whole moon in the arena it looked so magical.

Thank u... NEXT!

6 may 2019. [arikook]Where stories live. Discover now