Chapter 1: "Please don't hurt her"

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*Abuse mentioned in this chapter*

Chi's POV:

Ugh it's Monday, what an annoying day to be alive on. Well it could be worse, I mean Vi and I could be with the family that abandoned us and left us at many foster homes. Anyways, I realize that there's nothing I could really do about it, so I get up trying not to wake my sister and make breakfast. I make sure to sneak two pieces of bagels in my bag, but if Mike and Jane figure out I stole it they would be pissed.

It's time to get ready for school, so I wake up my sister and I change into my uniform. I make sure to cover my scars with concealer and make sure to check my sisters too.

"Man, how I wish we could be normal teens with a freaking family that actually wants us, and not with Mike and Jane who only want us for the money" -Vi said sadly.

"I know, I know we just have to figure out how we can get out of here and maybe get our own apartment, but until then we have to stay here and try not to get too busted up" -I said wishing it would be true.

You see ever since we came here 4 years ago we've been abused, sometimes to the point where we black out. Usually I tell my sister to hide so that they can focus on me. But sadly, that rarely happens. When they're drunk, that's when the beatings for both of us begin. Honestly I wonder how they're still alive, seeing how they drink and get high practically everyday.

I shake these thoughts out of my head and Vi and I take off for the walk to school. Our school is called Bridgerton High and honestly it sucks. I have detention every other day, just for back talking my teachers. You would think that they would come up with better punishment, but I'm honestly glad they don't call Mike and Jane.

I walk to my locker and turn to see my sister being cornered by some guys. By this time I'm fuming, they better not be touching her or else I'll beat the shit out of them.

"Hey, what the hell, why are you ganging up on my sister" -I stated to the guys.

"Oh, it looks like there's two of them, guess that means double the fun. Now grab the other one" -The guy said to his other friends.

Hell no, I'm not going to be a pawn in his game with my sister. I see one of the guys minions coming after me and I dodge it. I get into fighting stance and kick him where the sun don't shine. Then I raise my fist and punch him in the face, I mentally cheer in my head when I hear a satisfying crack. Successfully breaking his nose I move on trying to see if anyone is hurting my sister, but I just see her fighting the "leader" of the group. That's when I see two teachers coming out trying to break up the fight. I sigh, knowing we're in deep shit if they call Mike and Jane.


Vi's POV:

I'm sitting in the principles office thinking of all the ways Mike and Jane will hurt us when they realize
Chi and I were in a fight. Thinking of this I go back to the fight and remember how Chi was fighting a guy coming up to her, I was busy trying to pry the douche's hand off my arm. I managed to kick him in the shoulder before a teacher came to break us apart.

While thinking of this, I didn't even notice that Mike and Jane had arrived, and when I saw them they gave me and Chi a deadly glare. I was so scared about what they were going to do to me, that I almost got up and ran from the school.

"You know your daughter's were in a fight today" -Said the principal.

"It wasn't our fault, those guys were trying to touch Vi" -Screamed my sister, which earned her a glare from Jane.

"Yes, I understand that they were grabbing you unwillingly, we looked over the tapes and found the boys guilty. As punishment, they will receive 4 weeks worth of ISS (in school suspension)" (A/N: By the way I don't know what the punishments would be in the UK, so I'm just going off of what my public school's punishment might be) -Replied the principal.

"What will we get?" -I asked quietly.

"Oh, well seeing how they invaded you, were just letting you go. Now off you go, and thank you Mr. and Mrs. Smith for coming to pick up the girls for the rest of the day" -Said the principal.

"It's really fine sir, we can continue with our lessons for the rest of the day" -My sister said worriedly, knowing we were in for a beating when we got home.

"Nonsense honey, we know how you must feel so we're taking you home to rest and be ready for tomorrow" -Said Jane, in a forced tone.

"O-okay" -Replied Chi. Deep down I know Chi's terrified of them even though she tries to hide it.

We got into the car and drove silently, we all knew what was going to happen next. Chi and I could sense it.

Finally we made it home and both of us nodded and tried sprinting up the stairs to our room. But before we could get there, we were pulled by our hair and thrown down the stairs.

I could see Mike coming for Chi, and I was scared for her. Whenever we would get beatings, Mike would go for Chi and Jane for me. Mike was worse than Jane though and I would cry seeing as how he would take of his belt and beat her with it. How he would sometimes bang her head into the ground and watch as she blacked out. But, the worse would come when he would take her to the basement in the middle of the night when Jane was sleeping and carve nasty words into her. She would always get it worse than me, even though Jane would also kick and hit me till I blacked out. Chi would get most of the physical abuse, while I get the emotional abuse.

I see Jane coming towards me and she punches and kicks me. Jane yells at me, saying that I'm the weaker twin and how nobody wants or needs me. She keeps doing this to me for a while until my whole world blackens. But before I pass out I look over and see Chi is being dragged to the basement.

Through the whole time watching her scream and struggle, I keep thinking this one thought.

"Please don't hurt her"


Author's note:

Woohoo, I finished the first chapter, it was hard to write.

Anyways, thanks for reading!

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