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Draco's POV

As I came to my senses I pushed Harry aside and did a little sound like "ahem" and quickly fixed my messy hair due to Harry's stroking and pulling during our you know what session. I glanced at Harry and... Oh wow... He was soo adorable... Fixing his clothes a lil bit and sitting and looking down to his feet, hands clenched a little bit when he was biting his plump cute lips. I want to take his photo right now if I had a camera on myself.

Harry's POV

Omg so embarrassing~Thank god he pushed me away because I don't want anyone else to come in here like that again. I must look like a tomato right now, I couldn't help it! I just almost make out with Malfoy and got caught! I wish the train will go faster, I wanna avada kedavra myself ugh... On a second thought I would like Malfoy to shack me because who doesn't want to get shacked by a hot guy right?

3rd person POV

Draco and Harry didn't talk on their way to Hogwarts, but they did share glances.

When they finally came they separated way to their already waiting friends. "You came quite quick mate, ajything strange happened?" asked Ron without any clues what Harry experienced in a train. Hermiones nodged Ron "Harry just missed us! It's not like he has something to hide from us!" snapped Hermione. Harry flinch at those words pretty noticeable Ron and Hermiones clearly saw it. "Uhm are you really hiding something from us?" asked Hermione wanting to know what it was. "No! No it's not like that at all! I-I just flinched because it's quite windy isn't it?" Harry flustered not wanting their friends to read his mind like the always do. "Yeah Hermione! It's pretty windy in here, let's go to the castle, Im starving." Hermione tried to say something but she stopped and the trio made their way towards the castle.

As they came yo the Great Hall Harry quickly looked over the Slytherin table but there wasn't any Slytherin he knew. There was another table that didn't belong to any other houses in the middle. There Harry saw familiar faces, Luna talking to Neville with her Quibbler open upside down and Nevilla was showing her his weird plant that Harry knew nothing about it. Across them sat other Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws from last 7th years. Further he noticed Draco talking with his gang Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe. Harry quickly looked away as he and Malfoy locked eyes for a second. Trio made their way to their other friends.

"Hey guys! How was your summer?" asked Dean. Seamus said something like "hello whats up?" but couldn't say it clearly from the amount of food was in his mouth. "Were good! How about you?" asked Harry. "Great actually! Seamus and I decided to come out!" answered Dean beamingly. Dean and Seamus are dating 2 years till now and kept their relationship secret because they just thought it wasn't a right time. "Congratulations! Thats a really good news isn't it boys?" said Hermione but quickly snapped at Ron telling him to eat with manners for once. Harry was busy talking to Luna and Neville but he stopped when Ginny joined them. Ginny and Harry broke up not long ago, they both knew they loved each other like a family, brother and sister way not like lovers. Also Harry admitted that he is bi, because he knew he looked over boys pictures and magazines daydreaming over hotties. And he also admitted that he likes Draco Malfoy in a romantic way.

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