Chapter 22

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As I've always said life is like a chess game and if you make the right moves you just might hit check mate, meaning your success. I chose the fight I kept within me as my title by reason of there being many obstacles that were sent my way to stop me, weaking me and potentially even destroy me.

Some being successful some not but I kept pushing forward Determined because of the woman that I am and who I am destined to be. The challenges that I am facing are not for my destruction but are for my development. ULTIMATELY the measure of a woman is not where she stands in the moment of comfort and convenience but where she stands In the moment of challenges and controversy. To be a woman is to be unapologetically resilient despite of everything. Just because life can sometimes be hard doesn't mean that it is wrong. Picking yourself up is a major quality one self should have within themselves to keep pushing forward. They say failure is an event and success is a journey HERE'S MY JOURNEY. ❤️

1.) It's not the size of the pond but the hustle in
the  fish..!

Geographically speaking location doesn't determine what kind of success you will have, but your psychological position ALWAYS will. How are you going to make waves in a bigger pond when you haven't even learned how to cause a ripple in the pond you're in now. When you stop complaining about where you are physically and start focusing on where you are mentally that's when you will start to transcend your circumstances.

2.) pick your passion, poison or procrastination

There are three primary P's to choose from in life Number one being passionate which will potentially lead you to prosperity. Number Two poison which leads to enduring pain, Number Three procrastination which doesn't lead you anywhere. You sit around waiting for things to just magically happen when that's not how life works. Please don't pick P's number 2 and 3 instead I'm hoping you'll be successful with picking passion so that you can follow your passion and make conscious decisions that will help you realize your destiny.


The truth might hurt yeah, but it's always helpful. Nobody wants to hear their fat as fuck and need to lose weight or their not as talented at something as they thought they were. Just because they're lying to themselves Doesn't mean that you have to lie too. It doesn't benefit you or the person your talking to when you sugarcoat your words. You have to tell people what they need to hear, and if your the person getting the harsh dose of reality.


These previous bullet points are from (CHARLEMAGNE THE GOD.)These bullet points are very important because it summarizes what I have been telling you guys as far as being honest with yourself, tuning into your inner self, being true to yourself so that you can prosper. wants you know your truth no one can tell you about you or make you feel any type of way or use anything against you because you know your purpose you know yourself and what's for you shall prosper.

Having faith in the process

Always have faith in the process that alone teaches you a lesson with life. Having that mind set that you will always get things handed to you or you will always find a short cut through out life will eventually have you FALL SHORT. You have to understand that everything is a process and everything is a learning lesson when negative things happen look at it as your development, everything is not always meant for your destruction but meant for your development.

There are always going to be opportunities see it as a way of advancing yourself, your inner thought process as well. Seeing everything as a dollar sign will also have you fall short. Having that mindset will have you missing out on opportunities that could bring you much more in the near future then that attached check for the moment. You have to understand that everything is a PROCESS trust the process.

  when you have people against you that do not want to see you succeed better yet further than then them leave them where they stand because what happens when you carry on extra baggage. Your going to be stuck in that same mindset, that same lifestyle do to the fact that you didn't let go of the very thing or person that was holding you back. Allow yourself to embrace what is meant for you and I promise you will succeed. Your body is your Domain and you must carry your own baggage throughout life, the more excessive baggage you carry the shorter your trip will be. 🤔

The  first three quotes are from Charlemagne the God. His book helped me gain a better way of seeing life in a different aspect.

The End 😩

The Fight I kept within MeWhere stories live. Discover now