Part Six: Badge

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"Pick the badge." Gou whispers, throwing the bag into your lap. Trusting in her plan, you root around the bag. Pulling out a small badge, you hold it up.
"Er, shark pin?" You wave it above your head.
"That's me." Rin winks. Smiling, he reveals sparkling sharp teeth. Your stomach flutters. Gou nudges you and smiles, gesturing towards the door as her brother leaves the room.
"Use my room!" Nagisa shouts after Rin.
"Thank you." You mime to Gou.
"When you get married, we'll be sisters!" She shouts after you. Blushing deeply, you spin on your heels. Eyes wide, you shush her. Rin giggles, taking your hand and leading you down the hallway.

As you enter the room, he slams the door behind you. Locking it, he smirks at you.
"I've been waiting for this." Eagerly, he pulls your body against his. Your lips meet in a passionate kiss. Leaning his forehead against yours, he smiles brightly.
"I love you." He whispers. "I've waited too long to say that." He chuckles. Looking into his eyes, you smile sweetly.
"I love you." You gently caress his cheek. A mischievous grin spreads across his face.
"Get on that bed." He orders.

Biting your lip in anticipation, you oblige. Slowly, he positions himself between your legs. Leaving gentle kisses against your neck, the fingers of one hand dance on your side. You tangle your fingers in his hair. His lips find yours again in a loving kiss. Lightly, he moves his hips against yours. You intertwine your legs with his. Interrupted by a loud knock at the door, Rin huffs.
"Seven minutes are up!" Gou shouts. Rin buries his face in the crook of your neck, sighing heavily.

Getting up, he grabs both of your hands and drags you with him. He wraps your arms around his waist. Holding tight, you look up at him. His arms snake around your neck. Leaving an affectionate kiss on your lips, his hands run down your arms. Intertwining his fingers with yours, he smiles again.
"I guess we have to go." He pouts. "But we're finishing that later!" Cheekily, he winks at you. Giggling, you allow him to lead you from the room. Gou cheers as you enter the living room.
"You two are perfect for each other!" She gushes. Rin glares at his sister, forcing her into silence. As he sits, he pulls you into his lap. Barely leaving space to breathe, he holds you against himself. Kissing your cheek softly, he squeezes you.
"Love you." He whispers, beaming at you. Gently, you kiss the tip of his nose.
"Love you!" You wink. Gou watches you both with doughy eyes.
"Pass the bag along, you dork." Rin huffs at her, laughing. Frowning, she passes the bag to the next person.

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