❄️My first christmas!❄️

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<Killua's POV>

Its christmas day I'm so excited to give Gon my present. I feel kinda guilty for breaking his last one. We both agreed that we would open our presents at 11:00 am but I'm kinda really excited?! It's a weird feeling for me. I never even celebrated Christmas before. Considering being at that torture house. Before I didn't know a single thing about Christmas. Gon told me a bunch about it though he told me about the times he had with aunt mito and others! We've been watching Christmas movies, my favorite so far is the nightmare before Christmas. It's a mixture of Halloween and Christmas. I love that movie so much. Gon should be coming back soon, he went out to get groceries for him to a make a Christmas dinner. I was asleep when he left otherwise I would have went with him. Aunt mito is on a vacation at the moment she said she was sorry she couldn't be here for my first Christmas. I informed her it was alright. I am sitting on the couch watching another Christmas movie when I hear the door open. "I'm back!" Gon sang as he walked into the kitchen to put the groceries away. I got off of the couch and went to help him out. After we were done he asked "want to open our gift now?" I replied by nodding excitedly. He chuckled and grabbed my hand walking to the tree in the living room. "I marked yours! So the ones that have killua on them are yours!" He cooed. I giggle slightly then reach for the first present in my reach. "Killua" was written in bold letters on the front of it. I smiled and looked at Gon who had a bright smile on himself. "Go on! Open it!" He chimed. I unwrapped the box to see a new skateboard?! "G-Gon how much did you even pay for this?!" I questioned. He just smiled "I it doesn't matter how much I spent silly all that matters is that I got it for you." He beamed. "Are you sure..?" I question making sure it was alright. "Yes" he assured me. I got up and handed him his gift that I had got him. "Here!" I smiled. He grabbed the gift softly grazing my fingertips in the process. I blush mighty and look away. I hear wrapping paper being torn and I turn to look at him. I see him holding the fishing rod in his hands he smiled so brightly I think I might die from sunburn. "Thank you so much killua!!!" He exclaims jumping into a hug at the same time. I smile and say "thank you Gon" he lets go and asks "wanna watch the grinch while we open the rest of the gifts?" He asks to which I reply "the grinch? What's that?" He chuckled "let's just watch it!" He says grinning. I nod in excitement. 'The grinch..?' I wonder.

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