reataurant date! :)

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EDIT: im so sorry for uploading this late. I just remembered I had to publish 2 chapters. so heres the 2nd chapter :)

EDIT#2: okay so im not updating this one cause i like it :)

5PM 20/9/20..

FanFic Time?

EmoBoy POV

Momota just mentioned to us about a love letter hes receiving. I am so glad for him in all honesty but I am getting a feeling its...fake? Yesterday momota got me cleaning up his whole bathroom which he apparently said was 'haunted' by a certain *prankster*. Theres a chance whoever it is probably plotted the love letter too. Theyre probably planning to sabotage the confession? I really dont know...My thoughts got interrupted when somebody knocked on the door. multiple times.

"H-huh, Coming!" I rushed over to the door to see a certain purple-haired male mischievously smiling to me.

"Ah, Kokichi hello there..uh so you called for me?" I asked awkwardly. 'Why am I always so shy around him' I thought..

"Nishishishi, Am I not allowed to visit my favorite detective? Sheesh! Your so mean Saihara-chan! Did you forget we share dorms?" He said before bursting into tears. 'Like always..'

"T-Thats not it!! I-I was just wondering!" I said stuttering.

"You dont have to stutter around me all the time, but its cute so I'll let it slide!" He said as if he didnt just call me cute.

"E-Eh c-cute?" I said clearly blushing.
"Heyy! I wanna have fun, lets play hide and seek!" He said as he dragged me by my hand running through the halls .

"W-wait slow down! I can walk down myself!!" I said
"Oh, but dont you wanna hold my hand dear?~" He said 'I-I-I wait is he flirting with me, why am I stuttering in my mind?' I thought.

"No, its not like that besides its getting dark lets go back to the dor-" "Nope!~ lets goooo to a restaurant! I heard a new one opened up! Apparently Its called
Monomi Restaurant •!! " He said excitedly.

"Sure I have nothing to do as well either.." I said still flustered..
"OOOoO, Oh! I forgot to mention this is a date!"
He said teasingly.
"Eh!? A date?? I-uh well sure.." I said mumbling the last part hut he definitely heard it.

"wait you actually accepted it..?" He said surprised.
"Um yeah...haha.." I said awkwardly 'was he just joking and trying to make a fool out of me..?' I asked myself..

"Yay saihara-chan agreed to go on a date with me!" He said so happily he started crying 'happy' tears
"Yeah, I wouldnt mind.." I said now getting even MORE flustered than before..

"But your paying! No backing out! 'kay saihara-chan!" He said jumping up and down.

"Ofcourse! I wouldnt make you pay for me.." I said
"Jeez, your such a gentlemen like gonta! He mustve had a huge impact on you too." He said.

'Is that a compliment or an insult? Maybe just a backhanded compliment..yeah' I thought.

"Hm, saihara-chan we cant wear emo stuff on our first date! Lets go change and meet up at 6:00!"
He said running off giggling

"Huh!? Are you implying we'll go on more dates?" I asked. I heard from a distance a 'If you want too~'

I returned to our dorm. kokichi went inside the bathroom to change. I have a lot of emo stuff than expected huh..'Should I wear a suit? No thats too formal! I dont even own them..' 'What about just a blac-no thats emo clothes too' 'Might as well wear this' I picked out some tight blue jeans and dark blue sweater, a long light brown cardigan and a blue scarf and some emo black boots because I mean why not..

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