Ep 45: The Rematch

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Meanwhile Fubuki stood onstage ready to battle but his mind seemed far away. It was sad in a way seeing Valerie and Vincent leaving but he knew it was time.

Things were getting serious and whether he chose to believe it this was the midpoint of the battles.

The midpoint of this whole competition, it was hard to believe they were already there already.

Standing on stage would've been Wakiya for Fubuki's next opponent but instead Suoh stood before him.

"Hey Fubuki, long time no see."

"Suoh, it's been a while hasn't it?"

"Indeed Fubuki but things will be different now."

Suoh got into his launching stance letting the dark power sweep over him. A large purple Phoenix was barely visible as Suoh switched sides.

"Prepare to be destroyed Fubuki."

Fubuki did the same, getting into his own launching stance.

"3...2...1...Let it Rip!"

Forenous sped around the outside while Salamander did the same. They copied each other's trajectory spiraling and fighting over the middle.

"You can't win Fubuki, Phi is too powerful."

"Like I haven't heard that one before."

Salamander hit Forenous sending it flying at the wall.

"Hang in there!"

Hitting the wall it recovered but it started speeding up.

"Forenous now!"

Glowing Fubuki felt great, there was no more dark power instead there was only peace. Fubuki still kept in mind what he learned from the Snake Pit but there was no longer this pain or strain on his body.

"Ultra Emperor Drift!"

Colliding into Salamander it flew into the air bursting.

"Not bad Fubuki even I'll admit you've gotten stronger but it's my turn now."

Moving his hair Suoh got serious and his eye starting glowing purple.

Is that what I looked like before Valt freed me?

"Just because Theodore or Phi liked you better than me doesn't mean you're special!"

Fubuki stepped back in surprise as he got into his launching stance.

Is this Phi or Suoh?

"3...2...1...Let it Rip!"

This time Salamander was rogue going all over the place while Forenous was doing its own thing.

"Poor misguided Fubuki you could've been powerful but instead you choose to be with the enemy."

At the word enemy Suoh's voice echoed, sounding like a demonic version of Phi's.

Everytime Salamander would get close Forenous would barely miss it.

"Get him Salamander!"

This time Salamander managed to land a hit making Forenous lose its balance.

"Hang in there Forenous!"

Just as Fubuki thought he could maybe recover Salamander collided, bursting Forenous.

"I'll crush you and your pathetic bey and then it's Valt's turn."

"How far are you willing to go Suoh? I know you and I know you wouldn't go this far..."

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