Ep 9: The Chase part 2

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. School has once again gotten busy. My point is I may not update again for a while because... I'm going to State! Basically it's a huge tournament for all the schools in the State. And it's a big thing, anywho enjoy!

Aiger and Drum leaned against the railing overlooking the big beautiful sea.

Drum was talking to Dragon while Aiger was looking out at the sea. After visiting Ellis Island and looking around for a little bit. The pair was forced to go to the Statue of Liberty. The way it worked was that the Ferry would take them to the Island and then the Statue. Then they could return back to the mainland.

After the Ferry ride the boys made their way onto Liberty Island. People were everywhere! On the boat, walking around, and some were at the top of the statue.

Walking across the wooden dock, the line to get back to the mainland was larger than the amount of people.

"C'mon Aiger let's explore!" Drum took off running with Aiger trailing him.

"Wait! We still need to find Shu, Joshua and Clio. We haven't even found a single one."

"Aw lighten up Aiger, we're already here we might as well explore!"

After making it through the entrance, the long brick road led to an American flag while buildings were on the side. Information boards were everywhere in various languages.

The first building was the gift shop full of trinkets and other cool souvenirs. After paying for a souvenir for his sister the boys made their way out of the gift shop.

After taking in the sights the pair made their way to the Statue of Liberty. She was huge, towering the landscape with her intimidating presence.

Walking around the island they followed the brick road circling the Statue of Liberty. Walking around the island the city was out in the distance.

Aiger made sure to take lots of pictures for Naru. But Drum was right, they could have fun while they were there.

Then as Aiger was looking out to the sea that's when he heard it.

"Perfect as usual, alright that's a wrap!"

Joshua Burns stood below the Statue of Liberty posing. A team of cameramen were all around him taking a break. Joshua was off to the side talking to his fans, giving them autographs.

"Fabulous! Now it's time for my lunch break."

Joshua left the fan girls, walking off towards the restaurant out in the distance.

Aiger and Drum followed from a distance. Since Joshua was on a phone call he was distracted and didn't notice Aiger and Drum.

Opening the door Joshua walked in and sat down. The boys took a table further away so they could keep an eye on them.

"Alright so here's the plan once we get lunch we'll..."

Drum already took off walking towards Joshua's table.

Aiger followed as his stomach grumbled.


Drum sped around the restaurant pushing people aside.

"Joshuathere'sevilbladersafteryouand theywanttoturnyoueviland..."

"Woah slow down there kid what's your name?"

"Drum Koryu."

"And I'm Aiger." Aiger said walking up to them.

"Where are you guys from?BC Sol? It wouldn't be the first time."

"Well yes and no. You see Valt sent us here and..."

"Valt? You mean Valt Aoi?"

"Yes he sent us here because..."

"Say no more if this is what I think it means then my rival has returned from his trip. C'mon."

Joshua got up and walked out of the restaurant with Drum and Aiger trailing him.

"Cut! stop rolling, we're moving onto BC Sol but first we need to make a few pit stops. Trent get us some new Ferry tickets, we're going to the Empire State Building."

Everyone scrambled around trying to clean up, pack up equipment or shoo away the crowd of girls.

"A word Trent?"


Joshua dragged him away talking to him off on the side. As Drum and Aiger waited, Aiger realized how much power Joshua had.

He could just film anywhere if he wanted, even in places he was not supposed to. He could also influence his crowd of people. There was so much political power behind it all.

But Aiger still liked Zac better, he was less annoying.

"Alright boys you have my attention, what's new in the blading world?"

"Uhh Aiger better tell you." Drum said pushing Aiger in front of Joshua.

"What! you were the one who was telling him earlier!"

"But that was before he didn't know about Free!"

The two boys were red faced angrily looking at each other trying to push the other to tell Joshua.

"What about Free? Is he back? Oh my Gawd that would be the rematch of the century! Former teammates and rivals battling to see who is truly better."

"No Free's still gone!" Aiger yelled.

"What?" Joshua was caught of guard.

"It's Theodore and Phi, they've teamed up and are planning something big!" Drum added in.

"They have an army of corrupted bladers at their disposal. All those bladers that have gone missing is Phi and Theodore building their army. Cuza, Zac, Koji, Diago, Fubuki, Suoh, Ren Wu, Kurt , Xander, Xavier, Kit, Toko, Hae Jin, Arthur, Free and K..." Aiger said.

"That's why we need your help, to save them all before Theodore and Phi take over the blading world!" Said Drum mimicking an explosion.

"So what do you say?"

"Well first off I'm saddened to hear Free isn't back. And second I'll help you guys.."

"Yes!" Said Drum giving him a hug.

"But I'm only doing this for Free. It'll make such a good movie I can already see it now: Free De La Hoya has turned evil and it's up to Joshua Burns to save the day from the mysterious Phi and shady Theodore."

"Well first before we can save any of them we need to go pick up Shu. Right before we came here Theodore said he was going to go pay Shu a visit. And I've got a feeling this isn't going to be a friendly one either."

"Gotcha, let's set sail, host anchor and head towards our next adventure!"

Joshua started walking to the Ferry with Aiger and Drum once again trailing from behind.

Instead this time the group was up on the top deck because Joshua insisted a natural tan line was better in the movies.

But leaning over the railing Aiger couldn't help but wonder: Where Clio was?

Joshua they had gotten pretty lucky considering they accidentally board the Ferry and had found Joshua filming for a New York documentary or movie.

Shu was pretty obvious considering he now owned a team and pretty much spent all his time at the Raging Bulls headquarters.

But Clio was mysterious and not to mention unpredictable. For all they know he could be somewhere else. Or already in the hands of Theodore and Phi.

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Where stories live. Discover now