Chapter 33 The Dragon at Sea

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Lyse has never been on a ship like the Nautilus Omega before, and it wasn't exactly the most enjoyable experience. His ride on the ferry, he is sure, measures little to what the open sea has in store for them. At the very least, he hopes that as he leaves the clans, his longtime home, the threat of Talin could vanish as well. It will be difficult, maybe even impossible to track them out at sea. And it'll be hard to surprise them when they are in the open waters. Still, he felt uneasy stepping onto the deck of the Nautilus Omega. He felt refreshed from extensive baths, and yet he fears what stench will follow him when he returns home. And the rocking of the ship was almost unbearable. He had to stay near the rail for the first few hours just to get his bearings, and he wasn't alone. Almost all of their party, save for Gray, had severe sea-sickness as they went further out to sea. The crew had a good laugh at this, and Edlund may have done some form of verbal retaliation, if opening your mouth was an act that could force you to empty your stomach. The crew did not seem like what one might find on a ship like this. Many of them were from the bar, and their appearance had not changed in the slightest. They looked like a group of mercenaries, soldiers, and conmen who just so happen to have a colored theme. The brass accessories of their coats marked them all as the pristine crew of the famed Moxie. But Lyse felt a little less safe in their presence.

Gray and Elena guided their horses to a stable beneath the deck. Even on the Omega, he still could not fathom its immensity. Three ballistae stood at the very front of the deck, two to either side and one at the bow. It was unheard of for such weaponry to be used at sea. Stacks of harpoons and steel ballistae supplied the ammunition it seemed. Between them stood the three massive masts, and the sails currently bound to their frames. Men worked like ants, carrying cargo on board as they prepared to exit. Moxie wasted no time in her role, and people moved by a wave of her hand, and the stomp of her boot. But still, she kept it all light, it seemed. There was a general air of excitement as the sails unfurled, and the anchor was drawn up as if the very preparation of whatever journey they shall embark on was the thrill itself.

They followed her to the helm. There were fewer people coming around it, and even fewer going in or out. Just behind the wheel was a room, there a table had been set up, bolted to the floor of course, with a map of the southern Sea etched into the surface and all kinds of navigation tools sprawled across it. Holding another, similar map was a man sitting and leaning across the table, scratching a patchy beard struggling to become full. He had skin that indicated him of Shi'Ased or any of the southern kingdoms. When they walked in, he smiled at Moxie with an eating grin showing off a few teeth that had been replaced by gold or silver. He had a coat veryk similar to hers, except lacking golden medals on his breast pocket, instead silver ones with red tassels.

"Captain," he gestured out with both hands. "So soon eh? It feels like we just docked at these dusty shores and we're already leaving? You usually like to take your time on the land."

"Well, I'm no fan of hassle, but the contract's a little more than worth the effort. This is Colt, Mira, and George. They'll be our clients for the time being."

Lyse, Celia, and Edlund shook hands with him. He smiled at them mischievously, like he was planning out a way to scam them in a good game of cards.

"This is Blij, he's my first mate and the babysitter for this crew of mine. He is also our navigator, so come to him if you need any clarifications of how the journey's going."

"By the sound of things, he seems more like a captain," Edlund remarked.

Moxie frowned at him. "Who asked you, swine? Anyway, your rooms will be on the second floor, the first ones. Take whatever you like but the accommodations are nonnegotiable. We'll take care of your horses, but that's all the service you can expect out of us. You provide your own food. Are there any more questions?"

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