Chapter 18 Those Under

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Talin has been a feature of this land since its dawn. While they are neither regularly recognized nor publicly known, they have found themselves in the underbelly of society, whether the secret catacombs and temples long forgotten or tunnels and systems adapted to house the many forces and resources they had accumulated over time. They relied on secrecy and deception to handle their problems and ultimate goals. Crafting the best of soldiers, the best warriors, mages, thieves, and assassins here. The Catacombs of Orcus. A massive system of tunnels and rooms that snake along with the mountain range of which they are named after. Or perhaps the mountains were named after these catacombs. Years have dulled this knowledge, and even the most ancient sources fail to distinguish. Either way, this was where it was all birthed. A man found within these catacombs the power that they had locked away and set out to collect more and more of. Collect people, objects, and trinkets. He was training others to find it for him. Experiment with magic. Extended the catacombs and build other underground structures to act as storage for his riches. And he named this order Talin, an archaic word for the predator or the seeker.

His connections grew through the clans and beyond. Influences no man could dream of, and the world seemed to dance to his rhythm as he held them to his pulse. The only opposition for quite some time was a group, a guild threatening to destroy him, all he had, and all he had built. They did destroy, and they did take. But they failed to kill him. As long as he was alive, things could be rebuilt, things could keep progressing, and he could regain his strength to return once again.

Prime Noctum Umerius The Thief, was slain. Thousands of years of life severed quicker than it was formed. His body burned into ashes and scattered over the rough sea. His name snuffed, his legacy turned to mere whispers. And he was replaced by the culprit who sought differently.

These things rolled into the head of Amond as he walked through one of the catacomb's entrances leading to the base of the mountain. He spent his entire life here, it seemed. He made himself appear ordinary, with a simple face seemingly in his middle years, short black hair, and eyes similar to coarse dirt. The only thing marking him otherwise was a scar following the curve of his cheek. Amond heard those stories from other members was his younger years. In the war, he even sought glory for Prime Noctum Umerius as one of his most trusted advisors. He has slain countless and secured untold relics of immense power to offer his lord. When his lord was gravely wounded and the massive defeat upon Talin crippled their efforts, it was once again time to recover and regain strength. He spent his time suring up his influence, all for the benefit of Talin and his lord. Amond waited and listened. He was ready to raise arms once again if he was called. He was so sure that the time was going to come again. History will merely repeat itself. But no. One day, he was told that Umerius had died. Died. Like any other mortal? The man who lived beyond years fell. At first, it seemed impossible, but more and more came after. Talk of rebellions against she who took his place, and at first, he wanted to take arms against her. Who dared to take the seat that so one so great took? This witch may break the vows they swore and not give what was promised by her predecessors. He almost joined those rebellions. But then, he heard of what happened to those rebellions. No, not genuine rebellions. They were not lasting more than a few days once they made their presence known. Hundreds were killed by her own two hands till any spark of opposition was smoldered. Her takeover was swift, and her display of power infamous. And he knew that she could not be stopped by their means. She received that title, Prime Noctus, for a reason. And the shadow must follow her.

So when he received a summons by this Hecate, he was unsure what to do. His first instinct was to run and hide. Find a simple life as a fisherman at some docks. Perhaps it was time to settle down now. Find a wife, and raise a kid. Live the rest of his short days in hiding. But he knew that she would find him. There is no hiding from Talin, with eyes even in the throne rooms of kings to the dirtiest of taverns. So his only option was to comply with the request. To submit to the summon and come back to the world, he knew he would come back a stranger.

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