USA finally!!!

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Izuku's POV

After a long flight we finally arrived at America! Well specifically in L.A. Me and Toga were so excited to explore it. We are now currently finding Sasha's brother, Vincent. While searching for him something caught my eye. It was an Eraserhead plushie. I remember Toga said that he was her favorite hero because even though he has a villainous quirk he still strive to be a hero. So I decided to buy it for her. It was for $5. While I bought it I saw Toga running towards me saying that Sasha found Vincent, so I immediately run off with her holding a Eraserhead tote bag which contains the plushie. As we arrived Vincent told us that Sasha was waiting  in the limo. Wait a minute......... A limo!?!?! We went inside the limo and we were amazed on how it looks like. Not even a single pro hero has one. While I admired the car I-I mean limo Toga asked me what was I holding. "Oh this one. this one is actually for you Toga- chan" I said slowly to realize that I added chan to her name, I blushed. She blushed at me too knowing that I gave her merch of her favorite hero. While we are admiring the view of the city, ;let me tell you what happened during the flight.

Flashback start

We were currently playing Uno when Toga told me that we should introduce ourselves so we could get to know each other better. We told our backstories, likes, heroes, and few other more. I felt pity for her. It was so sad we were crying all the way until we both slept. When I woke up I saw Toga sleeping in my shoulder which causes me to blush. I think she felt me shiver so she woke seeing the position we were at and started blushing as well. Sasha was laughing all the way which made us blush more

End of flashback

So that happened and I realize that we had arrive. The house was so huge it made me and Toga-chan ,I mean Toga speechless.

 The house was so huge it made me and Toga-chan ,I mean Toga speechless

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This was the front of the house

This is how the back looks like

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This is how the back looks like

It was incredibly big and it was bigger than the house or maybe mansion of the Yaoyorozu's !!!! And I didn't expect that dad was this rich rich. Me and Toga was still standing there in shock while a man who was wearing a very expensive looking suit stood up in front of both of us. "Oh son how I miss you" he said going to me and hugged me so tight that I almost couldn't breathe. "Cant b-b-breath" I said weakly and he immediately separated me from him. He talked about how he miss me and how excited he was to finally got custody to me and I was happy for that. I looked at Toga and she looked very uncomfortable listening to my dad so I cut his sentence so I could introduce Toga." Oh yeah and dad this is my friend Toga. She is with me since her parents disowned her" I said slightly worried for his answer but his answer shook me. "Oh that's sad I think we will take full custody of you too" he said smiling at the end which made Toga a crying mess. We were both happy that we were finally gonna have a loving family." Oh yeah this is my wife."


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"This is Jade Beifong Midoriya and I think I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Hisashi Midoriya" he said while hearing something that made me shook. I have a sister. I hope she is not like Tamari. "Well look at that it's already 3:30 pm we should pick up your sister already. You two will come with me while your mother will prepare something special for you" he said and went to his car. Don't worry it's just you everyday regular car. On the way there our dad said that the school that were heading to will be our school and that he is gonna sign us up today. Me and Toga were so excited but were also afraid that maybe this school will bully us too. But anyway we have arrive already. We step out of the car and lots of people are staring at us. My dad said that he was the number 1 richest person in the world!!! Wonder why lot's of people are staring. I bet they ask themselves the following questions:

"Why are there two kids standing next to the richest man in the world!?!"

"Who is that?"

And suddenly Toga tap me on my shoulder. She said that she heard a girl with brown hair saying that why was Toph's dad standing next to two children. After she said that we both stared at each other but was cut off by our dad. I immediately ask him if my sister's name was Toph and he gave a nod. After that we went inside the school. If you are wondering what the school's name is, it's Bright Future Academy or BFA. Now back to what's happening. We were now heading to the principal's office. When we arrived there our dad told the principal that we were gonna enroll. The principal then told us that we will be accepted but we need to take a exam to know what section we will be. 'It looks like they based the section by there intelligence' I thought to myself. Me and Toga then bow to the principal but she said that we don't need to do that since we were in America so instead we just said our goodbyes. As we exit the principal's office we went to the dance club. When we arrive, I saw a girl with black hair hug dad. I think she was Toph. "Hey dad who are this two people with you?" she asked then my dad introduced us. "Toph this is my other biological child aka your half sibling Izuku and this is your soon to be sister Toga" then after we bowed and once again got reminded but this time by a..... ghost!!!

Third person POV

"Oh is that so" Toph said and everyone in that room was shocked that Toph the top student of this school has a brother. After that Toga saw someone that she recognized." Oh Izuku that's the girl I was talking about" she said pointing at the girl with brown hair. Hisashi then told them that we should go home cause it's getting late so they went home.

Izuku's POV

We already arrived home so it was time for introductions. But before I could speak Toph hugged me saying that she was happy that she will later have siblings. Hmm maybe she is not like Tamari at all but what happens when I say that I don't have a quirk. And that's when I started to panic. "Hello my name is Izuku and I am..... quirkless" I said then I  got tackled to the floor and when I opened my eyes I saw Toph crying." Oh it's okay I know that even though your quirkless you could be strong" she said at me and that me made me cry too. After the crying feast it was Toga's turn to introduce herself. "Hi my name is Himiko Toga but just call me Toga and me myself is quirkless too" and then another crying feast has been held. After that my dad told us that Toph will tour us!


Hey guys! I will show you the pics of their living, family, game, dining, kitchen, Toph's bedroom, Toga's Bedroom, Izuku's bedroom, clubroom, theater, exercise area, and stationary room in the following chapter/s

I hoped you enjoy the chapter!

I will also show there bio in the following chapters as well. I will make a separate chapter for that

And dont miss another chapter of The next Avatar!

Seina- chan signing off!!!! 

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